Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 560 Where are you taking me?

Chapter 560 Where are you taking me?

"Who said you were going to bear the name of mistress?" Gu Zhiyang asked back, "I'm just engaged, and this engagement is not voluntary! I was forced! It's just an engagement, this kind of thing , I can solve it at any time!" Gu Zhiyang threatened.

"Gu Zhiyang, don't be so irresponsible, okay? You are engaged now! You are already bearing the title of someone else's 'fiancé'. I beg you, don't have anything to do with me!" Lu Yao Guang suddenly roared, Gu Zhiyang, don't hold me like this again, okay?I really, can't have anything to do with you anymore!

When Lu Yaoguang finished saying this sentence, her head was facing down, and now she was asked to look into Gu Zhiyang's eyes and say this sentence, she was a little...unable to say it...

Hearing the sound of Gu Zhiyang's footsteps leaving, Lu Yaoguang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know why, while she was relaxing, she felt a sense of loss that came from nowhere... ····
"Well——" However, Gu Zhiyang left, but he just left his original position, stepped forward, and walked towards Lu Yaoguang.

He walked in front of Lu Yaoguang, but Lu Yaoguang didn't notice it at all, she was still the same, with her head lowered, Gu Zhiyang's hand suddenly stretched out, lifted Lu Yaoguang's chin and quickly printed on her lips After a kiss and left, before Lu Yaoguang could react, he directly hugged Lu Yaoguang in the form of a princess hug——

"Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing! Put me down!" Lu Yaoguang exclaimed, why?She already told him not to have anything to do with her!

Gu Zhiyang, do you know that you do this, I...

"Be quiet and listen to me, don't even think about struggling anymore, now it's almost time for get out of class to end, believe it or not if you struggle, I'll kiss you right now until the place is full of people?" Gu Zhiyang decided Now, in this situation, it's completely unworkable to reason with Lu Yaoguang, she won't listen at all!Although I don't know the relationship between her and Sheng Zhiyue, what happened between them, but it doesn't matter, as long as he knows that the reason for Lu Yaoguang's abnormality in the past two days is really related to that woman named Sheng Zhiyue!

Leave the rest to him...
When Lu Yaoguang heard that Gu Zhiyang was going to be a hooligan, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. She knew that if Gu Zhiyang would say that, he would definitely do it!

Now, it's definitely not her intention to get involved with Gu Zhiyang again, and if there are people here, then she and Gu Zhiyang... will definitely be known by Sheng Zhiyue again!

No, only this matter, absolutely not!

"Isn't that good?" Gu Zhiyang lowered his head, glanced at Lu Yaoguang who had closed his mouth obediently and stopped struggling, and smiled slightly. His smile made Lu Yaoguang slightly dazed, "I know that now No matter what I say, you won't listen to it." Gu Zhiyang hugged Lu Yaoguang and started walking...
"Where are you taking me?" As soon as Gu Zhiyang moved, Lu Yaoguang asked. As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Zhiyang immediately lowered his face, stopped moving his feet, and looked at him with strange eyes. Lu Yaoguang suddenly approached Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang was so frightened that he immediately covered his mouth with both hands...

(End of this chapter)

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