Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 564 Is this the bastard you gave birth to me?

Chapter 564 Is this the bastard you gave birth to me?
"Why do you say you are still living in this world?! You are just a drag bottle! You will only drag me down! Drag me down..."

At this time, my mother would fist and kick her to vent her anger.

She would cry when she didn't understand at first, but the more she cried, the more painful it was for her mother to beat her...

Later, she gradually mastered the "knack". When her mother hit her in a bad mood, she would stand obediently without crying or making trouble. In this way, her mother would beat herself less...

She said silently in her heart, she kept staring at the clock hanging on the wall, wait a minute!Wait a little longer, mom will be tired, and the pain won't...

After my mother was tired, she went to bed. She always gave her medicine in the middle of the night.

She knows that mother is very hard.

So she doesn't blame her...

Sometimes she also wondered, if she hadn't been born by her mother at the beginning, would her mother be better now?
But mother, she won't hit herself every time...

Sometimes, she would suddenly appear in front of her bed in the middle of the night, look at herself with pity, and touch her cheek with unprecedented tenderness, she said...

"The baby has worked hard... If the mother does this, will the baby blame the mother?"

At this time, she will feel very happy...

She is also very good to her.

The money used to go to school for the first time was earned by my mother very hard. She said to herself, "Baby, you have to study hard, you know?"

Then, she really studied hard.

In order to reduce her mother's burden, she found a black shop and started washing dishes for people to make money. At that time, on Mother's Day, she wanted to use the money she earned to buy her mother a blue dress.

Mom always looks good in blue.


"Who asked you to spend money on this kind of thing?!" On Mother's Day, my mother was very unhappy when she received a gift. She slapped herself hard, and she grabbed her hair and slapped her hard. She, she said, "Yaoguang, you are very good at making money, aren't you? From now on, you will earn your tuition fees by yourself!" Then, she cut the blue dress into pieces with scissors...

My mother cut it so old that it was so broken that she felt that her heart was broken into pieces like that skirt...

Turns out, mom doesn't need gifts.

It turned out that if I gave my mother a gift.She stopped calling herself "Baby"...

Since then, she has never given her mother a gift.

Not on Mother's Day.

Not even on birthdays.


It's like my mother never gave herself a gift.

Now, mother, Yaoguang knew she was wrong,
Yaoguang will not spend money randomly in the future.
In the future, Yaoguang will earn tuition fees by itself.

Yaoguang will be obedient and will not hide anything from her mother anymore...

So mom, can you come to my bed again, touch my cheek gently, and call me again,

Woolen cloth……?
The screen turns,
She is on her way home.

Suddenly, he saw a black car parked in front of his house, and two men in black clothes dragged his mother's hair and dragged her away...

She stepped forward to protect her mother tightly.

Stop mom from being taken by these strange people.

"Who are you? Why did you take my mother away?!"

At that time, a man was sitting in the car. When he saw her, he suddenly smiled coldly, "Is this the bastard you gave birth to?"

(End of this chapter)

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