Chapter 565 This Is Her Dad?
Miscellaneous, species...?
At that time, she didn't quite understand the meaning of this word, but seeing the man in black next to her laugh when she heard this word, she vaguely felt that it was a bad word.

But she also knew that it was pointless to fight against these people at this time.She just wanted to help her mother up, leave here, and stay away from these men.

"Mom, we..." She turned her head, but saw something that made her scalp tingle——

Mom... she, she looked at the man sitting in the car with a kind of crazy eyes.

She said, "Did you come to see me? Did you come and take me away?"

"I knew it, I knew it, you will come, you will come!"

The man in the car was disgusted with his mother's behavior, looking at his mother's eyes, as if he was looking at some disgusting dirty thing——

The look in his eyes also made my mother panic.

Mom looked around, and when she saw herself again, it was as if she saw some hope.

She grabbed herself and said to the man in the car, "That's right, this is the child I gave birth to you, this is our child! I gave her a nice name, her name is 'Yao Guang'," After the mother finished speaking, she looked at the man in the car with flattering eyes. The disgusted expression on the man's face did not change a bit because of his mother's words. In a hurry, the mother grabbed her hand and made herself look at the man in the car. Forced himself to shout, "Yaoguang, Yaoguang, did you see it? This is your father, come on, even father—"


Is this her father?

Doubts flashed in her mind, what is dad?
"What's the matter, Yaoguang? Hurry up and call Dad?!" Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, her mother looked flustered.

"Yaoguang, hurry up—call this man's father!" Mom said more and more urgently, and pushed herself to call the man's father in the car quickly.

But she just didn't want to call this man with a cold face and mocking eyes father.

"Yaoguang, are you dumb! Why don't you bark!" The more she said, the more angry her mother was, she slapped her on the shoulder resoundingly. panic now...

"I'm sorry, the child is not sensible, don't be as knowledgeable as her..." Seeing that she didn't speak, the mother said respectfully to the man sitting in the car.

"Heh..." At the end of the dream, only the mocking expression of the person in the car remained...

What does that person look like...?

He is her "father"?
Sheng Zhiyue ran to the principal's office in one breath, and after closing the door, she squatted down alone, panting, out of breath.

"What's wrong? Yue'er?" The principal panted when he saw Sheng Zhiyue at the door, thinking that something had happened to Sheng Zhiyue, he hurried to Sheng Zhiyue's side, trying to help Sheng Zhiyue, but was caught by Sheng Zhiyue. Wei Wei was taken aback by Zhi Yue's expression when she suddenly raised her head...

But when he blinked, the expression on Sheng Zhiyue's face had disappeared...

Just now, was it an illusion?The headmaster wondered in his heart.

Sheng Zhiyue stood up slowly, patted her chest, "I'm fine... I was afraid that you, the principal, would worry about me being away for so long, so I ran back... I have to say, the scenery of St. It's so beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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