Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 566 Find out at all costs

Chapter 566 Find out at all costs

After Sheng Zhiyue finished speaking, she touched the back of her head with a smirk.

The principal also laughed because of Sheng Zhiyue's smile, and looked at Sheng Zhiyue with rather doting eyes, "Yue'er, when you come to St. Geli to study in the future, you will feel that this place is actually okay after you get familiar with it." .”

Sheng Zhiyue nodded, as if thinking of something, she said to the principal, "Principal, I remembered that I have something to do with me, I want to go first..."

"Going away? Do you want me to send you off? I'm sorry Yue'er, I'm not free right now, so I can't see you off in person..." the principal said, with a flash of guilt in his eyes.

Sheng Zhiyue shook her head, "Thank you principal, it's okay, I can take a ride back by myself."

"Then—" the principal thought for a while and said, "Yueer, when you arrive at the hotel, remember to send me a text message or call me."

"Okay, thank you principal." Sheng Zhiyue smiled and waved to the principal, "Goodbye principal~"

The headmaster nods...

After Sheng Zhiyue left, the principal looked at the direction Sheng Zhiyue left, thoughtfully...

Junior sister, when you are desperately trying to give Yue'er a good living environment, have you forgotten about the cultivation of a child...?
Sheng Zhiyue left St. Geli College and immediately returned to the hotel by car. Her eyes were full of frost——

What's up with that bastard?Why is it so lingering!

I used to think that she ruined my home, but now I want to ruin my future because of her?
Did that bastard do it on purpose? !

Sheng Zhiyue took the pen in her hand and cut it off violently. She took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey...help me find one...oh no, two people." From Sheng Zhiyue's mouth, he began to say the name that wished her to be crushed to pieces, and then gently said another name that made her The name that haunts my dreams, "Zhiyang... Gu Zhiyang. That's right, it is Gu Zhiyang from the Gu Group. I want you, at any cost, to help me find out all about this person in the past. Happened!"

She must know and understand all the missing parts of her life in Zhiyang...
Zhiyang, I didn't accompany you on the previous road, but it doesn't matter, after I know how you lived before, I will accompany you on the future road.

On the other end of the phone, after the person who promised Sheng Zhiyue to find out the two people she said hung up the phone, he immediately dialed another number and told the other person that Sheng Zhiyue wanted to find out by himself. one person.

After the man finished listening, he said in a low voice for a while, and then slowly said, "Yue'er said not to find out everything about that person named Gu Zhiyang at all costs?"

"Yes. From Miss Sheng's tone, it seems that this person is very important to her." The person on the other end of the phone said respectfully, it was completely different from when Sheng Zhiyue took the call just now, after he called Sheng Zhiyue just now At that time, he kept negotiating with Sheng Zhiyue on the price, pushing left and right, but at this moment, he privately called Sheng Zhiyue...Miss Sheng? !

"Tsk, this person named Gu Zhiyang is of course very important to Yue'er." When the person on the other end of the phone said this, his tone seemed very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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