Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 570 Handle it personally [Baiyun dark line, you don't need to subscribe]

Chapter 570 Handle it personally [Baiyun dark line, you don't need to subscribe]

When the secretary heard what His Highness said, he was taken aback for a moment, but immediately knew what His Highness was talking about now.

"Your Highness, do you...do you need..." How about dealing with this matter again?As in the past, personally handle...
The man called His Highness thought for a while, then shook his head slightly, "Although I don't know why I heard that bastard's name from Yue Er again, but it doesn't matter, what I want to know most now is Yue Er Why are you getting involved with her again?"

Mr. Secretary stood, waiting for His Highness to whisper, His Highness looked at the tall buildings in the distance, "You follow up this matter for me, and in addition, mention my itinerary recently, and give me a month to spare. I'm going back to China."


"Once you find out why Yue'er got involved with that person again, please reply to me right away, okay?"

"Okay, Your Highness."

Yunyi came to a manor carrying the things that St. Geli had just brought out for Xiaobai.

In the manor, the water is clear and the sky is blue, and the golden sun is playfully dancing on the rippling water.Like the notes one after another jumped out by a girl playing the piano, the entire lake has become its dance floor.What catches the eye is fresh green.

Yunyi stood on the grass by the lake and stared blankly for a while. In the past, Xiaobai liked to dance in this place the most.

At that time, Xiaobai had been working very hard, dancing very hard, and working hard to fulfill her own dream.

No matter how many times she falls, no matter how many times she starts over, she has no complaints and chooses to get up again to perfect her dance.

But now, because of myself...
Yunyi closed her eyes, because of herself, Xiaobai stopped at the place closest to her dream.

Opening her eyes again, Yunyi carried the bag and walked into the villa in the manor.

Even though Xiaobai has been abroad for so long, here, he still gets people to clean it every day, even though Xiaobai is extremely unwilling to come back here...

But this time, he was really forced to choose to live here again.

Yunyi knocked on Xiaobai's room, but found that the room was not locked, so he opened the door and entered.

Xiao Bai's room, just like her surname Bai, is all white. The curtains, sheets, and everything you can see are all white.

And on that white bed, there was a bulge——

Yunyi walked over lightly, and saw that Xiaobai had fallen asleep...

Why are you still sleeping at this hour!

Yunyi looked at Xiaobai's sleeping face, the corners of her mouth raised involuntarily, the sleeping Xiaobai put one hand in front of her nose, leaned sideways, a few strands of hair fluttered slightly due to the breath she exhaled while sleeping... ····

Yunyi put the bag away, stretched out her hand, and wanted to help put Xiaobai's restless strands of hair away, but unexpectedly, Xiaobai woke up because of his movements, no matter how lightly his movements... ··
"Hmm...Little Yunduo?" Bai Lu sat up unsteadily, rubbing her eyes while Yunyi saw this, she quickly reached out and put down Xiao Bai's hand rubbing her eyes, and said softly, "How big are you?" Now, you still talk like a child and don't listen, didn't you tell you not to rub your eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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