Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 571 Xiaobai Don’t Make Trouble 【Baiyun Chapter】

Chapter 571 Xiaobai Don’t Make Trouble [Baiyun Chapter]

Because Bai Lu had just woken up, she hadn't reacted yet, and Yun Yi sat on the bed because she wanted to help Xiao Bai remove the hand rubbing her eyes. At this time, Bai Lu was very tired and wanted to sleep, so she habitually Get close to the smell you are familiar with.So——

Bai Lu's body swayed slightly, and her head just landed on Yun Yi's shoulder.

Yunyi's body stiffened suddenly, Xiaobai was wearing a white nightgown now, because she leaned forward, the neckline was slightly opened, revealing Xiaobai's collarbone and... "Xiaobai, it's time to wake up, it's already this time It's time to sleep no more."

Yunyi averted his eyes without a trace, he did not choose to push Bai Lu away, but let Bai Lu continue to lie on his body.

Bai Lu muttered, "I want to sleep..." and fell asleep again in a daze. It had been a long time since she leaned on Yunyi's body to sleep. Sometimes there will still be some uneasy mood, swept away.

"Xiaobai...don't make trouble..." Yunyi stretched out her hand and gently pushed Bailu's shoulder.

Bai Lu suddenly sat up and looked at Yunyi face to face. Yunyi saw three or four hairs on Bai Lu's hair that were still upturned due to her sleeping position, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, but Bai Lu was a little bit wronged and sad, As if Yunyi was bullying her, she stared at Yunyi, "Little Yunduo, can you stop arguing! I'm sleepy! I want to sleep!"

Seeing Xiaobai's confused appearance, Yunyi slightly shook her head, even though her eyes are open now, she should still be asleep, half asleep and half awake.

"Really sleepy?" Yunyi turned sideways, put her elbows on her raised knees, rested her head on her hands, and looked at Xiaobai with interest.

Bai Lu's reaction was a little slow at this time, and she still didn't fully understand what Yunyi was talking to her now. She made a gesture to rub her eyes again, but Yunyi stretched out her hand and pushed Xiaobai's hand away, and Xiaobai took advantage of the situation and lay down on Yunyi's shoulder again on, muttering, "Don't wake me up..."

Yunyi laughed softly, "Okay, okay, I won't wake you up, I won't wake you up..."

However, in the next second, Yunyi discovered a very embarrassing thing.

The bag of Xiaobai's nightgown was not fastened properly, and because she sat up suddenly and then fell down suddenly, the range was a bit big, and now, half of her shoulders have been exposed...

With her fair skin exposed to the air, Yunyi stretched out her hand, intending to pull up Xiaobai's dropped nightgown, but found that the nightgown was now because Xiaobai fell asleep on her body, and she couldn't move casually, and it was mixed with the quilt or something. Together, Yunyi's thought of grabbing the nightgown disappeared...
If you catch it wrong, all of Xiaobai's clothes will fall off...

That would be—too embarrassing!
Yunyi grabbed the quilt on the side and helped Xiaobai cover it up, but Zizi was sitting on part of the quilt. When he pulled the quilt, his center of gravity became unstable, and he and Xiaobai fell on the bed.

Yunyi hurriedly looked at Xiaobai, wondering if such a big movement would wake her up...

However, Xiaobai was still in a state of sleeping soundly, and Yunyi finally calmed down a little. When he was about to choose to sit up and leave, Xiaobai turned over again and hugged Yunyi tightly... ··

(End of this chapter)

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