Chapter 580 Stay Safe By My Side
Gu Zhiyang's kiss landed lightly on Lu Yaoguang's lips, and then he left quickly, "I told you before, you just need to nod or shake your head to answer me, you can't talk."

He would not give Lu Yaoguang the chance to ask her which direction he was referring to in the last question.

Lu Yaoguang, are you willing to believe me? !
Believe me, it will solve the engagement issue between me and Sheng Zhiyue.

Believe me, no matter what Sheng Zhiyue wants to do to you after knowing you, I will appear by your side to protect you.

Believe me, this problem of Sheng Zhiyue is not a problem, I will give you a happy future...

Gu Zhiyang's kiss was a warning.

Lu Yaoguang was warned not to ask questions.Lu Yaoguang touched his lips with his hand, Gu Zhiyang's temperature was still on it, he asked her if she believed him?
Naturally I believe it...

Because you are always the first to appear by my side when I am in trouble or hurt.

Whether it was the incident when she was tricked to go out at night, or the incident that she and He Yi were kidnapped together, or the incident that she came to take care of her with his aunt...

"Everything I do has your participation and company. We have experienced so much together, how can I not believe you?" —— Lu Yaoguang.

So... the answer to this answer, of course, is——

After seeing Lu Yaoguang nodding, Gu Zhiyang showed a satisfied smile.

"So, you can just stay by my side. Don't think about what you wanted to say just now." Gu Zhiyang continued, after he finished speaking, his hands had already left Lu Yaoguang's side, and he tidied up his clothes tie.

"No... I don't believe you, and I want..." Before Lu Yaoguang could finish his words, Gu Zhiyang's sharp gaze came over, "Leave "These two words got stuck in Lu Yaoguang's throat, and Lu Yaoguang had no choice but to swallow it, "It's two different things at all! Gu Zhiyang, you can't do this."

Gu Zhiyang made an indifferent gesture, "With me, there is nothing you can't do. You just stay by my side with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me, and I'll take care of it." Gu Zhiyang Yang said, originally wanted to leave, but then looked at Lu Yaoguang's bed, turned over again, and lay on Lu Yaoguang's bed, so scared that Lu Yaoguang immediately jumped up from the bed, "What are you doing?!" Yao Guang had already retreated far away from the bed, she didn't dare to get close to Gu Zhiyang, she was deeply afraid that Gu Zhiyang would do something dangerous to her again.

Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang running away like a frightened rabbit, and found it very interesting, "I don't do anything, I just want to sleep. Don't look at me being so 'violent' today, I didn't sleep well yesterday. Be quiet and let I'll take a good rest. By the way, don't think about leaving while I'm asleep. I've already told Xia Heyi and the others that you want to leave. You're already being watched by all of us. As long as you step out of this city, we can find you." After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, ignoring Lu Yaoguang's already ashen face, turned over, covered the quilt, closed his eyes, and began to rest...

Lu Yaoguang did not expect that Gu Zhiyang would be like this - a rascal? !

(End of this chapter)

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