Chapter 581
He actually told He Yi and the others that he wanted to leave? !

Let them watch themselves together and not let themselves go? !
Lu Yaoguang walked in front of Gu Zhiyang angrily. At this time, Gu Zhiyang had already fallen asleep calmly, his breathing was steady, it looked as if he was really asleep...

I don't know why, when Lu Yaoguang saw the dark circles under Gu Zhiyang's eyes, he realized that he was not as angry as before, only feeling deeply helpless...
She unconsciously lowered her body and looked at Gu Zhiyang who was already asleep. It seemed that he was already very tired. It should be true that he didn't sleep last night. Did he fall asleep so soon after touching the bed? !

But the next second—

Gu Zhiyang has already opened his eyes, lifted the quilt beside him, and looked at Lu Yaoguang with a smile on his face, "Hee hee... want to be together beautiful?!"

Lu Yaoguang was so angry that she grabbed the quilt and threw it at Gu Zhiyang's face, and left the room angrily...

After closing the door, Lu Yaoguang leaned against the door weakly, closed his eyes, can't he leave...

"You have to trust me, I will take care of everything."

And Gu Zhiyang's words reappeared in her mind at this moment, Lu Yaoguang shook her head, trying to throw Gu Zhiyang's words out of her mind, after shaking her head, she opened her eyes , looking surprised...

Here, where is it? !
Lu Yaoguang looked around, and then turned his head to look at the door of the room where he was resting just now, the door is right... it is the room where he stayed in Gu Zhiyang's house The door, when I woke up just now, there was no change around the bed!
Lu Yaoguang originally wanted to open the door and go in to have a look, but when he thought that Gu Zhiyang was still inside, he immediately stopped his actions. Now, he doesn't want to talk to that scoundrel!

Rubbing his eyes, Lu Yaoguang turned around again, and found that the place he is now is really different from the original Gu Zhiyang's home...

If this is not Gu Zhiyang's home, then where is this? !
The door of Lu Yaoguang's current room leads to the stairs. The corridor is not so long, and the stairs are not as gorgeous as before. It is a very short step. She came downstairs, and the place she was just now was the second floor.

Now here... is the first floor, the first floor is very simple, there is only a small sofa, and a dining table, next to the dining table is the kitchen.

Here... It's really completely different from Gu Zhiyang's home!
Could it be that they are not at Gu Zhiyang's house now? !
Lu Yaoguang walked to the dining table and found that there was a bowl of hot porridge on the dining table. Under the porridge was a note written by Gu Zhiyang, which said: eat while it is hot.

Did Gu Zhiyang cook this? !
cooked for her? !
Lu Yaoguang pulled out the chair and sat on the dining table. The dining table was not as long as before. The square wooden table and two chairs were just opposite. This dining table can only seat two people... ·
Is it because she said she was going to move out? !
So, he let her "move" here? !Isn't it still Gu Zhiyang's here?How can this count as moving!

Lu Yaoguang drank the porridge, it seemed that Gu Zhiyang was determined not to let him go...

(End of this chapter)

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