Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 587 Just Stay At Home Honestly

Chapter 587 Just Stay At Home Honestly

Although it's a good thing for Han Feng that he didn't send text messages, so that he won't be harassed by him every day, but who would tell others that if he doesn't send text messages every day, his life is in danger? Things to threaten others! !Huang Shushu was very depressed. She had been in a bad mood since she woke up, and she was in a mess. She didn't know what to do.

"This..." When Xia Heyi didn't know what to do, Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang walked over, and Ji Shao said to Huang Shushu, "Don't worry, I'll give you a hand in a while." He sent a text message to see what happened to him today, and he didn't come to school." As soon as Ji Shaoyi finished speaking, the class bell rang, Huang Shushu nodded, and returned to his seat first.

After the second get out of class, Xia Heyi walked up to Huang Shushu and showed Huang Shushu a text message he had received. This was a text message sent by Xia Heyi's godmother, that is, Han Feng's mother. It means that there is a visitor from the Han family today, and Han Feng must stay behind. His father has confiscated his mobile phone. After reading Huang Shushu, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Han Feng's mobile phone was confiscated, and his father probably put it away for him while he was asleep. I think my godmother would send me such a text message. It is probably Han Feng who told him, lest we worry about it. But I think, to be precise, it's because I'm afraid you're worried..." Xia Heyi said, looking at Huang Shushu with flickering eyes.

Huang Shushu's face turned red in disbelief. Knowing that Han Feng was fine, she finally let go of her hanging heart, but now she was very embarrassed to hear Xia Heyi say that. Han Feng really... Do you value yourself so much?
Seeing Huang Shushu wishing to find a place to drill down, Xia Heyi smiled in his heart, forget it, stop joking with Shushu...
But Shushu looks so cute!It's no wonder that Han Feng is tempted...

"I don't know what is important. Judging by the tone of the godmother in the text message, the person who visited the Han family today seems to be very important to the Han family." Xia Heyi said suspiciously, and Huang Shushu nodded.

Han family.

Mr. Han led the Han family and stood at the door. I really don't know what kind of person can have such an honor to make the Han family receive such a formal reception.

Han Feng, who was standing behind Mr. Han, looked impatient. He tugged on his tie, feeling terrible!When he woke up this morning, he found that all the communication tools he could use to contact others had been taken away, and there was a neat set of suits on the bed. Very important person, he is not allowed to go to class today.

But how could he not go to class today!Oh shit!The motivation for him to go to class every day is to meet that idiot!

It's fine to just keep him from going to class, and take away all his communication tools? !

Han Feng expressed his incomprehension about this, and reasoned with his father, but he was treated as if he looked stupid, and said indifferently, "Don't think I don't know what you are doing with your phone, what are you doing today? If you can’t contact anyone else, just stay at home honestly!”

(End of this chapter)

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