Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 588 Very Important People

Chapter 588 Very Important People

Hey Hey hey!Stinky old man, do you know what I want to do with my mobile phone? !do you really know !I'm going to text that jerk!If I don't text, that idiot will die in a hurry, you know? !Old man, if you do this, you will lose your future daughter-in-law and your future grandson. ! !


What is very helpless is that Han Feng has to obey his father's words, there is no way, who can't beat this stinky old man now!
However, someday!Someday!
Han Feng's heart was raging with flames. When I beat you to the ground, he must swear at your icy face: "Hehe, old man, you still have today!"

Han Feng's action of pulling the tie was seen by his father, and he received a solid punch on the head, "Tie the tie up for me, don't take it off. You're sloppy, how decent is it?!"

Han Feng: "..."

Wool system? !Damn it, who is this waiting for!It's been 15 minutes, is it coming or not!
Don't know how to be on time? !

Han Feng complained in his heart, but his subordinates quickly fastened the tie, "Who are we waiting for?!"

Mother Han looked ahead and said with mixed emotions, "Wait for someone who is very important to us."

Very important? !

Han Feng was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. Is there any important person in the Han family that he doesn't know? !

Also, is it possible that that person can be late because he feels that he is very important? !

Han Feng was very dissatisfied with this "guest" who hadn't met yet but was very important to his family, because he was 15 minutes late.

10 minutes passed...

Han Feng's patience has also reached its limit.

When is this? That person hasn't come yet? !Are you interested in watching their Han family jokes? !

Just when Han Feng was about to lose his temper, a car finally drove slowly——

Mr. Han said, "Here we come."

Han Feng clearly felt that the atmosphere around here was slightly different from before...
Especially grandpa and the smelly old man, they seem to be very respectful to this coming person!
The car finally stopped at the gate of Han's house. Han Feng blinked and stared at the door of that car. Is it finally coming down? !Forget it, let me see your true face of Mount Lu!Who on earth is so arrogant and made them wait outside for so long!

The car door opens slowly——

The first thing that came into view was a pair of fair legs, and then, a girl in a black uniform and brown sunglasses walked out of the car door.

Han Feng quickly searched for the figure of this person in his brain, and found...
He has never seen this person before!

It's really strange, what is this arrogant woman who has never seen before, worthy of being respected by grandpa and old man? !

Sheng Zhiyue looked around, is this the Han family? !

One of the people my mother asked me to come and visit. The decoration style here is not bad. It seems that there is nothing at all...
It looks like The Sopranos!

Tsk tsk tsk, on the contrary, there is a unique tranquility in it. Is it really okay for such an underworld family to live in such an ordinary house with no temperament at first glance...?
(End of this chapter)

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