Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 591 I Came to Get Engaged

Chapter 591 I Came to Get Engaged

Han Feng froze in place. He never thought that his family would do this... to a woman of his age? !

Sheng Zhiyue looked at

"Yue'er doesn't care about it, that's the best." Old Master Han said, smiling and inviting Sheng Zhiyue to sit in the room.

Sheng Zhiyue walked into the room and sat down dignifiedly.

Next, the Han family began to have a long conversation with Sheng Zhiyue. Han Feng felt that his ears were going to be calloused. He still hasn't figured out who this woman is. What is the origin that makes my family attach so much importance to it? !No, after this woman is gone, you must ask carefully about her background.

Just as Han Feng thought about it, the next conversation between Sheng Zhiyue and Mr. Han shocked him.

"Yue'er, what's the matter when you come to China this time?"

Sheng Zhiyue stroked her hair on both sides embarrassingly, "I'm here to get engaged."

"Engagement?!" Mr. Han and his son glanced at each other.

"Who is so lucky to be able to marry someone like Yue'er? He's so happy..." Mr. Han said, he couldn't help being curious, who exactly would Sheng Zhiyue want to be engaged to?By the way, he glanced at his grandson who had been wandering beside him, and sighed slightly. It seems that their family did not have the blessing to marry Sheng Zhiyue. If they could marry Sheng Zhiyue, it would be equivalent to, yes Became the son-in-law of His Highness!
This identity is amazing...

Sheng Zhiyue blushed slightly, and said softly, "He, Zhiyang..."

Zhiyang...? !
Han Feng was pulled back from his fugue state because of Sheng Zhiyue's words, what? !What is this woman talking about?Who is she getting engaged to? !
Did he hear correctly? !

"Wait, wait..." Han Feng said.

His impolite behavior made Father Han frown.

Sheng Zhiyue looked at Han Feng, "What's wrong?"

"Let me ask you," Han Feng said with a serious face, "You said you were going to be engaged to that man named 'Zhi Yang', what's his last name...?!

Sheng Zhiyue smiled, "My surname is Gu, the future successor of the Gu Group - Gu Zhiyang."

Han Feng: "!!!!!!" What the hell? !
This woman who appeared out of nowhere is actually engaged to Gu Zhiyang? !

Han Feng stared blankly at Sheng Zhiyue with his mouth open, his behavior once again aroused his father's dissatisfaction, "Han Feng." Father Han called Han Feng displeasedly, and Han Feng slowly Come to yourself.

It's just that at this moment his thoughts are still wandering, and he can't come back for the time being.

This woman is not only related to her own family, but also has a fiancé relationship with Gu Zhiyang? !This world is too...full of unknowns, right? !
The news brought by Sheng Zhiyue hit Han Feng so hard that Han Feng never recovered, and naturally he didn't hear what Sheng Zhiyue said to the Han family until after Sheng Zhiyue left. , Han Feng's soul finally came back...
The first thing the soul did when he came back was to ask clearly, what is the relationship between this woman who came out halfway and the Han family? !

"Grandpa, who was that woman just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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