Chapter 592 Underground City
Old Man Han squinted his eyes, and suddenly swung the crutch he was leaning on at his grandson who he always loved. Fortunately, Old Man Han was just trying to scare Han Feng, and Han Feng himself was fast enough, so he immediately hid After Mr. Han's "attack", he muttered plausibly, "I rely on Grandpa, what are you doing?!"

Han's father shook his head, and Han's mother pulled Han Feng to sit on the sofa beside him, and said to Han Feng very seriously, "Feng'er, that person just now was called Sheng Zhiyue, and he will go to your school to study next week. Yes. It is very likely that she is in the same class as you, when the time comes, you have to take good care of her, you know?"

Han Feng was taken aback by Mother Han's unusual seriousness, and nodded in a daze, but he immediately realized, "Mom is wrong, why should I take good care of her?"

"Because she is very important to our family." Father Han said.

Han Feng sat up from the sofa: "You said that person just now is very important to our family, so tell me the importance of that person quickly! I want to know! Otherwise, don't talk about taking care of her I don't even want to bird her!"

Because of that woman, he didn't go to school in the morning, didn't see the idiot, and couldn't text the idiot, which made the idiot worry.Standing outside the door like a fool for 10 minutes with my parents and grandpa, but I just made a complaint about the way she shouted at people. The smelly dad and mom have to apologize to others...

For various reasons, Han Feng's initial impression of Sheng Zhiyue was extremely bad.

"If Sheng Zhiyue's father hadn't taken action at the beginning, our Han family would have been wiped out many years ago. How can you still be alive and kicking, enjoying a life that ordinary people can't enjoy?!" Mr. Han With that said, he picked up a pillow on the sofa and threw it at Han Feng.

Han Feng took the pillow, "That's because her father is kind to our family, and she has something to do with us?! We don't need to treat her so respectfully!"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, his mother slapped his forehead, "Mom, how many times have you been angry with your precious son today?! What I said is the truth! Don't keep hitting me, you will Get beaten up stupid!"

"Stupid what stupid?! You are a fool! You have no idea how powerful the power behind that girl is!"

"Her father, just a single sneeze can affect the entire underground city, Feng'er, you should understand what this 'entire underground city' means, right?!"

Han Feng swallowed unconsciously. Damn, that woman's father was so awesome just now? !Of course he knew what the whole underground city meant.

Underground City: It is a legend of an underworld empire jointly "created" by prominent underworld figures from all over the world.

Those who are on the road, almost everyone wants to join this so-called "underground city". There are still various delicate relationships between the "underground city" and the governments of various countries. The government protects the bottom line of the people and cooperates well with the government. Correspondingly, the government will also "turn a blind eye" to what this "underground city" does. There is a dynamic between the two. between the balance.

(End of this chapter)

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