Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 594 He Can't Open His Mouth

Chapter 594 He Can't Open His Mouth

Seeing his mother's exhausted state, Han Feng stopped talking back and nodded quickly.

Father Han talked to Mr. Han, and helped Mother Han go upstairs to rest.

As they went upstairs, Han Feng could still hear the conversation between his father and mother.

"It's all your fault. When we said something to give him the word 'Feng', we called him 'Crazy' and 'Crazy' all day long. Now Feng'er is really crazy, sometimes watching him do things. , I really want to be pissed off by him." Mother Han's voice echoed in the corridor.

Han Feng only heard his father, who was always sneering, say to his mother in a gentle and pampering voice, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault..."

Han Feng: Hey, hey, mom and dad, do you know that I heard everything you both said, okay? ! !
the other side.

Yunyi sat in front of her computer, carefully checked the information she found, frowning...
During this week, Lu Yaoguang thought that she would meet Sheng Zhiyue again, but unexpectedly, Sheng Zhiyue never appeared in her world, but because of this, Lu Yaoguang felt very uneasy.

Sometimes, she would wake up suddenly from a dream, and when she confirmed that the place she was in was no longer the place before, she was already covered in cold sweat, and she was often awakened by nightmares at night, naturally But Gu Zhiyang who shared the bed with Lu Yaoguang, even though every time Lu Yaoguang woke up, Gu Zhiyang closed his eyes...

Over time, Lu Yaoguang will have an illusion that meeting Sheng Zhiyue that day, maybe it was a dream? !
Because ever since she heard that Gu Zhiyang and Sheng Zhiyue were engaged, what she was most afraid of was letting Sheng Zhiyue discover her relationship with Gu Zhiyang, and find out that she was living with Gu Zhiyang...

But every time he saw the wounds on his hands that were gradually healing, Lu Yaoguang knew clearly that meeting Sheng Zhiyue that day was not a dream...
But if it wasn't a dream, Sheng Zhiyue had already discovered herself. With her personality, she should have appeared in front of her long ago, and she should attack her again, right? !

But why until now, everything is still so calm...


Is this the calm before the storm? !
Lu Yaoguang sat in Gu Zhiyang's car, looking at the sunny sky outside the window, today is Monday.

I remember that Yunyi seemed to have said that Bai Lu is coming to school today.

Gu Zhiyang peeked at Lu Yaoguang secretly from the corner of his eye, when he saw the dark circles under Lu Yaoguang's eyes that aggravated, he felt uncomfortable for a while, damn it!Why is there still no news about Sheng Zhiyue and Lu Yaoguang until now? !

Seeing that Lu Yaoguang was awakened every night in the middle of the night, Gu Zhiyang really wanted to ask Lu Yaoguang, what did she dream about and why was she so scared? !

But he dare not...

He was afraid that Lu Yaoguang would not be able to sleep well again if he asked this question.

I wake up with nightmares every day, it must be a terrible dream...
He didn't want to let Yao Guang recall the uncomfortable and painful picture again in real life, just to satisfy his personal curiosity, he couldn't open his mouth to such a question...

(End of this chapter)

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