Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 595 No Two Candidates for the School Belle

Chapter 595 The perfect candidate for the school belle

"Yaoguang!" Xia Heyi's hand suddenly stretched out towards Lu Yaoguang, holding Lu Yaoguang tightly, interrupting what Lu Yaoguang was thinking, and letting Lu Yaoguang look around——

Lu Yaoguang followed Xia Heyi's instructions and looked around, only to realize that on the school road today, many people did not choose to return to the classroom, but stood on both sides of the school road, as if waiting for someone to come.

"Yao Guang, have you noticed? These people..." Xia Heyi pointed to other people in the dark.

Lu Yaoguang looked carefully in the direction of Xia Heyi's finger, only to find that behind some people's hands, there was actually a bunch of flowers, which looked like... starry sky? !
Xia Heyi was a little agitated, and said beside Lu Yaoguang, "I also heard from Shaoyi, isn't that who today, is Bailu coming?"

Lu Yaoguang nodded, she knew that Bai Lu was coming.

"Do you still remember that Xu Chao asked about St. Geli's school belle before Bailu?" Xia Heyi was a little excited, her eyes lit up, "Ah, after she went to the United States, the school belle became Yao Fei'er. To put it mildly, Yao Feier's actions would have aroused the disgust of many people."

"After all, in their minds, the school belle is Bai Lu. She is Yao Fei'er. Isn't it shameful to say that she is the school belle here after Bai Lu went to the United States to 'show off her power'?! But it seems that Bai Lu knew about it. Please, Yunyi, let everyone not pay too much attention to this so-called 'school belle' title." Xia Heyi shared the information she got from Ji Shaoyi with Lu Yaoguang.

"With Bai Lu's words first, and Yun Yi's help behind, many people chose to turn a blind eye."

Xia Heyi relayed these things that she and Lu Yaoguang didn't know before, Lu Yaoguang listened and nodded occasionally.

"Bai Lu is coming back today, and their school flower is coming back, so, they all prepared Bai Lu's favorite flowers—Mangypsophila came here to welcome Bai Lu and give Bai Lu a surprise." Xia Heyi finished speaking, and then Said in Lu Yaoguang's ear, "But I think you are much prettier than Bai Lu. It's better for you to be the school belle."

Hearing what Xia Heyi said, Lu Yaoguang stretched out his hand, tapped Xia Heyi's chest, and said softly, "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Xia Heyi rubbed her head and pouted, "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just expressing my own personal opinion. I really think that you are more beautiful than Bai Lu, so it's more suitable for you to be the school flower of qaq."

Lu Yaoguang shook her head helplessly, "Silly girl, the 'school belle' can't just be based on appearance, think about it, why Bai Lu has always been considered the school belle of St. Is it judged because of her looks?! It must be because of Bai Lu's character, talent, and other comprehensive evaluations that she will be rated as a 'school belle', right?"

Xia Heyi thought carefully about Lu Yaoguang's words, touched her chin, and looked at Lu Yaoguang seriously, "In terms of character, my Yaoguang has it, and it's good. Talent, my Yaoguang dances very well. Well, that’s pretty good too! To sum up, my family Yaoguang wants to have a good face, a figure with a figure, a character with character, and talent with talent, so she is the perfect candidate for St.

(End of this chapter)

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