Chapter 596
Lu Yaoguang heard that after hearing what he said, Xia Heyi thought that she was the school girl, and she raised her hand helplessly. However, Xia Heyi had already had the foresight and immediately hid herself. Standing far away, so as not to let Lu Yaoguang hit him, he said silently with his lips, "Anyway, in my heart, you are St. Geli's school belle." After speaking, he stuck out his tongue towards Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang supported his forehead, and his eyes were covered by his own hand. If someone looked at Lu Yaoguang's eyes carefully at this moment, they would find that there were no ripples in those eyes, like a calm lake.

She couldn't afford He Yi to praise her so much.

Don't talk about St. Geli's school belle, she just wants to graduate safely and peacefully, find a job after graduation, support herself, and stop getting involved with those relationships that she must never get involved with.

And just when Lu Yaoguang was thinking this way, there was a sudden sound of brakes at the school gate, everyone turned their eyes to the car, and someone immediately recognized that it was Yunyi's car.

Yunyi got out of the car first, and St. Geli's black school uniform was worn on him, which made Yunyi look very energetic. In addition to Yunyi's aura, this piece of black did not cover up Yunyi's aura at all, but made Yunyi look more energetic. The indifference on his body became more prominent.

After Yunyi got out of the car, she walked to the other side and opened the door for another person sitting in the car——

Bai Lu's feet landed on the ground, and she had already put on the school uniform of St. Geli's College. The school uniform on Bai Lu's body outlined Bai Lu's bumpy figure, her shoulder-length hair was soft and casually scattered on both sides, and her hands were placed on Yun Yi's. On the road, two people standing together is not really a beautiful scenery.

Talented man and beautiful woman—this is what Lu Yaoguang thinks now when he sees them standing together.

Gu Zhiyang said playfully, "It's really a match..." Yunyi, Yunyi, there is such a beautiful woman by your side, and a beautiful woman that you can't let go, I want to see it, you Who will you choose...

Ji Shao looked at Gu Zhiyang. When Gu Zhiyang said this, there was a little teasing in his eyes.

Ji Shaoyi looked at Lu Yaoguang who was standing on the other side, then at Yunyi and Bailu, and sighed in his heart, brother, you... figure it out for yourself...
Yunyi looked up, just in time to see Lu Yaoguang standing in the distance looking at herself and Bai Lu.

Bai Lu only felt that the original body temperature under her hands suddenly disappeared...

Bai Lu lowered her head slightly, Yunyi's hand had already been withdrawn, she looked at Yunyi's line of sight, and found that Yunyi was looking forward at the moment.


Bai Lu's gaze followed Yunyi's gaze.'s that person——

Lu, Yao, Guang...
Lu Yaoguang originally looked at Bai Lu and Yun Yi, but her mental state was not particularly good, and besides Xia Heyi was talking to her, when she looked at those two people again, she realized that Bai Lu His eyes were always on himself.

"The brows are as pale as autumn water, and the smooth skin is accompanied by the breeze." ——In Lu Yaoguang's mind, for some reason, this sentence from "Dream of Red Mansions" suddenly appeared in Lu Yaoguang's mind. It was different when I saw her for the first time in the hospital that day.

(End of this chapter)

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