Chapter 703 Sorry everyone
Gu Zhiyang became even more agitated because of Lu Yaoguang's indifferent attitude, and sneered, "I'll know if you don't tell me." After speaking, he turned on the hair dryer and began to blow Lu Yaoguang's hair.

Seeing this, Lu Yaoguang didn't resist, and let Gu Zhiyang blow his hair, and let her go quickly after blowing it.With Gu Zhiyang, she has never benefited from confronting him head-on.

The two sat quietly without saying a word, one helping the other to dry their hair, and the other kept staring at the door, thinking silently in their hearts to let the other dry their hair quickly.

The long black and beautiful hair, like seaweed, shuttled in his hands, carrying the faint fragrance of a girl who just took a bath, and the end of the hair passed through Gu Zhiyang's palm, a little itchy, like a feather, scratching Gu Zhiyang Yang's hand disturbed Gu Zhiyang's heart even more.

Yaoguang, what should I do with you...

Soon, her hair was dried. This time Lu Yaoguang was about to leave, but Gu Zhiyang didn't stop her. Lu Yaoguang quickly came to the hospital, took the elevator, and rushed to the door of Xia Heyi's emergency room. At that moment, at that moment, the originally red light went out——

Lu Yaoguang's eyes brightened, and everyone who was waiting outside the emergency room stepped forward and surrounded the doctor.

Because of the distance, Lu Yaoguang couldn't hear what the doctor said.

But just as she moved her feet, she heard a few loud cries. Ji Shaoyi lifted the doctor and slammed it against the wall. Yunyi and the others quickly stopped Ji Shaoyi. The scene was very chaotic for a time— —

"Fuck, do you have the guts to say what you just said again?!" Ji Shao held the doctor's cuff with both hands, and his voice echoed in the hospital corridor for a long time.

Lu Yaoguang's footsteps stopped, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

No, no, it won't be what I think!
Lu Yaoguang quickly approached Ji Shaoyi's direction, only to hear the doctor's voice uttered with difficulty by Ji Shaoyi's pinch, "There is still, there is still, tonight, everyone, my condolences to you... We have tried our best... "..."

After the doctor finished speaking, Ji Shaoyi raised his fist high——

"Do your best? Do what you can?! This is the result of your fucking efforts?! Treat it for me—! Treat it again! If something happens to He Yi, I want all of you to be buried with him!"

The cries and roars around...all the sad emotions surged, Lu Yaoguang was clearly among them, but felt that she had nothing to do with the sadness, only a layer of coldness in her heart... ····

Lu Yaoguang can't remember what happened afterwards, but he only remembers that each of them was sitting in the corridor. Xia Heyi's room had already been arranged, and everyone who wanted to go in and talk to her had to follow the doctor first. Put on special clothes, sanitize, wear a mask, a lot of procedures, everyone went in to see He Yi in order, He Suyun, Xia Mingzhi, Grandpa Han, Han Jia, Yunyi, Bailu... Finally, it was Ji Shao One, there is Lu Yaoguang.

Ji Shaoyi stayed in Xia Heyi's room for a long, long time, and he didn't know what he was talking to Xia Heyi, but among all the people, Ji Shaoyi's pain and sadness were very deep... ·

It's so cold, Lu Yaoguang is waiting outside, curling up his body, it's so's really cold...

(End of this chapter)

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