Chapter 704
The smell of disinfectant, at this moment, is particularly clear and pungent.

After Ji Shaoyi came out of Xia Heyi's ward, he came to Lu Yaoguang, "It's your turn." Lu Yaoguang raised his head, "Oh." The moment he stood up, he said to Ji Shaoyi Said a sentence, the most helpless but necessary to say, "I'm sorry..." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, without waiting for Ji Shaoyi's response, he followed the doctor directly into the ward, so he missed it. He met Ji Shaoyi with a very strange look in his eyes.


As soon as he entered Xia Heyi's ward, he saw only the pale man wrapped in layers of gauze on the bed, and the instruments on his face and body.

The sound made by the instrument is very regular, but it is very unpleasant, very unpleasant.

Lu Yaoguang slowly came to Xia Heyi and sat down, looking at Xia Heyi lying on the bed, thinking of Xia Heyi who was still talking and laughing in front of her in the afternoon, arguing to take her to eat puffs In the picture, tears fell one by one, but Lu Yaoguang did not cry out loud.She wanted it too, wanted to cry happily, but for some reason, she couldn't make a sound, and could only let the tears keep falling.

"I'm sorry." For a long while, Lu Yaoguang could only say this with a trembling voice.I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...
In fact, why did she need to find Sheng Zhiyue? !He Yi would be lying here like this, although Sheng Zhiyue did it, but in the final analysis, isn't it because of her? !

"She's right. As expected, I'm an unfortunate person..." If He Yi didn't want to speak for herself, how could she have anything to do with Sheng Zhiyue? !

No, taking a step back, if He Yi didn't know herself, then today's situation, no matter what, would never have happened to her!
She will be very happy, she will be with Ji Shaoyi, have a happy family, have several children, although they sometimes quarrel with each other, they are still happy...!

Instead of lying bloodless in the hospital like now, waiting for death to come...
"He Yi, haven't you always wanted to know about me? I'll tell you, I'll make it clear to you, so you, wake up quickly, okay?! I'll tell you whatever you want to know, I won't hide it from you anymore, I will tell you everything, we won't quarrel anymore... we won't quarrel anymore..." Lu Yaoguang's voice was trembling and trembling, intermittently, that He only held onto Xia Heyi's hand and never let go...
"Didn't you always want to know about the relationship between me and Sheng Zhiyue? I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything, He Yi, you won't be so cruel, right? You won't be like your mother and leave me behind." Isn't it right?!" Lu Yaoguang's emotions gradually collapsed, and her trembling voice became louder and louder, with more and more tears, "He Yi, I beg you, please come back soon, okay? No Scare me, please don't scare me, wake up quickly! Wake up quickly! Don't, don't leave me..." Lu Yaoguang lay on the edge of Xia Heyi's bed, broke down and cried, How could it be possible, such a good He Yi, He Yi treated her so well, because of her, she left this world...
(End of this chapter)

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