Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 713 This Was Arranged by Your Wife

Chapter 713 This Was Arranged by Your Wife

But at this time, Xia Heyi lying on the bed, her eyelashes trembling slightly...
"Miss Nurse! Did you see that?! He Yi, He Yi, she moved just now!" Lu Yaoguang originally wanted to take another look at Xia Heyi before walking out of the room. When Xia Heyi's finger moved lightly, Lu Yaoguang was so excited that he was about to jump up, and hurriedly talked to the nurse beside him.

When the nurse saw it, she rushed out of the room and called the doctor over, and then everyone came in with the doctor.

After briefly checking Xia Heyi's condition, the doctor immediately told the other nurses to transfer to the ward. "Congratulations, with her amazing willpower, Miss Xia is now showing signs of waking up. She can already be transferred to the general ward."

When Lu Yaoguang heard what the doctor said, her legs went limp and she almost knelt down, but fortunately she was helped up by Yunyi who was standing behind her at some point.With tears in her eyes, Lu Yaoguang looked at Xia Heyi on the hospital bed, it's great!Very good!He Yi, she finally did not abandon herself!

Others also acted very happy.

After Xia Heyi was transferred to the general ward, she didn't know if it was Lu Yaoguang's illusion. She always felt that everyone was not particularly excited about Heyi's current situation of turning the corner and successfully escaped from trouble. !

Probably, she thought too much...

Lu Yaoguang shook his head and waited with everyone in the general ward.She has to wait until He Yi wakes up and sees herself for the first time!
However, the other adults did not act as excited as Lu Yaoguang did.They were all lost in thought. Xia Heyi's father, Mr. Han and Han's father and mother left the general ward first.

Xia's mother was alone beside the hospital bed, with tears in her eyes.

Until Han's mother called Xia's mother from outside the ward——

"Auntie, you go there first, we can leave this place to us." Lu Yaoguang walked to He Suyun, took the towel from He Suyun's hand, He Suyun glanced at Yaoguang, touched Yaoguang's head, and then, Made a move that shocked Yao Guang, He Suyun, hugged her? !
"My child, thank you..." This was what He Suyun kept in Lu Yaoguang's ear. Before Lu Yaoguang could react, He Suyun had already walked out of the ward.Lu Yaoguang glanced in the direction where He Suyun left, touched her head that was touched by He Suyun just now, her nose was sour, Auntie, I have nothing to thank you for, after all, He Yi, she, is because of me, Just lying here...
I don't know when Gu Zhiyang returned to the ward.The ward was very quiet, everyone sat there silently, no one spoke, and the girl helped change the towels from time to time.

When Ji Shaoyi saw Gu Zhiyang walking in from the door, he gave Gu Zhiyang a cold look. Gu Zhiyang stretched out his hand and patted Ji Shaoyi on the shoulder.

Ji Shao moved his shoulder, refusing Gu Zhiyang's hand on his shoulder, and shook it off.

Gu Zhiyang: "..." This person, is he still angry? !
Hey, hey, this is arranged by your wife!Gu Zhiyang communicated with Ji Shaoyi with his eyes, and lifted his chin towards Xia Heyi who was lying on the hospital bed.Signal Ji Shaoyi to look at the person on the hospital bed...
(End of this chapter)

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