Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 714 How Long Are You Pretending To Be Sleeping?

Chapter 714 How Long Are You Pretending To Be Sleeping?

Ji Shaoyi's eyes followed the direction Gu Zhiyang pointed at Xia Heyi, his face became darker and smellier...
Gu Zhiyang took the opportunity to sit down beside Ji Shaoyi, touched Ji Shaoyi, and Ji Shaoyi pushed Gu Zhiyang away again.

Yunyi and Han Feng were also sitting beside Ji Shaoyi, and Han Feng whispered to Ji Shaoyi, "Brother-in-law, don't be angry! If you expose me to you, my sister will be so angry soon! "

As soon as Ji Shao heard what Han Feng said, no matter how dark his face was just now, he immediately changed his expression.

Seeing the changes on Ji Shaoyi's face, Yunyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and when he looked up in Xia Heyi's direction, he stood up in shock from the scene in front of him - "Xiaobai!"

I saw that Bai Lu, who was still standing firmly just now, was shaking a little at this moment, Yun Yi immediately rushed to Bai Lu's side, supported Bai Lu's body, Bai Lu looked at Yun Yi with a pale face, "Yun Yi..."

Yunyi frowned, "You are too tired. Xiaobai, you must rest now!"

After Yunyi finished speaking, she hugged Bai Lu across her waist, and Bai Lu felt a familiar breath lingering in her nose, and finally couldn't help it, and fell asleep——

"Bai Lu!" Huang Shushu and Lu Yaoguang looked at Bai Lu who was hugged by Yun Yi, very worried.

"Yunyi, do you want the doctor to show Bailu?!" Lu Yaoguang looked at Yunyi, who shook her head, "Xiaobai needs to rest now, she will feel better after she sleeps, you are here now, I will take Xiaobai Go back and rest." After Yunyi finished speaking, she had already walked out of the room with Bai Lu in her arms.

Huang Shushu looked at Lu Yaoguang beside him, and said to Lu Yaoguang, "Yao, Yaoguang, leave it to me here, and you go to rest too, look at you, your face is very pale now, a little bloodshot Nothing at all! Look, it’s scary! You should hurry up and take a rest, and I’ll call you when He Yi wakes up.”

Lu Yaoguang smiled gratefully at Huang Shushu, "Thank you for your concern, but now, I just want to stay here and wait for He Yi to wake up—" After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he looked at He Yi lying on the hospital bed, she She wants to wait for He Yi to wake up, she wants to see herself at the first sight when He Yi wakes up!

"If you're like this, she won't be happy to see you when she wakes up." However, just as Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her. Just as Lu Yaoguang wanted to turn around to look, I only felt a pain in my neck, and in the next second, I had already collapsed into Gu Zhiyang's arms.

Gu Zhiyang also picked up Princess Lu Yaoguang, looked at the dark circles under the corners of Lu Yaoguang's eyes, and her bloodless face at the moment, and took her away directly.

Han Feng glanced at Huang Shushu suggestively. After receiving Han Feng's message, Huang Shushu put down the towel in his hand very sensibly, and walked to Han Feng's side. Han Feng also stood up from Ji Shaoyi's side and tore off his own clothes , and whispered in Huang Shushu's ear, "Why don't we be like them just now, my princess will carry you out?!"

Huang Shushu gave Han Feng a hammer and walked out of the ward first.

In the room, only Ji Shaoyi and Xia Heyi, who was lying "unconscious" on the hospital bed, were left.

"How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?!" For a long time, Ji Shaoyi's voice echoed in the ward, and after he finished speaking, the person on the bed moved his fingers slightly...
(End of this chapter)

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