Chapter 715 What Should I Do?

At this time, the person on the bed slightly opened his eyes after hearing Ji Shaoyi's words.As soon as Ji Shao came to Xia Heyi's side, his face was serious like never before.

Xia Heyi suffered a head injury. He opened his eyes and was staring blankly at the ceiling. Ji Shaoyi stretched out his hands and pressed Xia Heyi under his body, "You're kidding too much."

Xia Heyi looked at Ji Shaoyi who was facing her eyes, and said with difficulty, "I didn't mean to."

Ji Shaoyi: "You scared a lot of people."

Xia Heyi "I'm sorry..."

Ji Shaoyi looked at the guilt flashing in Xia Heyi's eyes, sighed helplessly, and got up from Xia Heyi, seeing that she was still a wounded person... this time, she must not be spared !This account must be kept down!

"If this is not the case, we have no way of knowing the relationship between Yao Guang and Sheng Zhiyue." Xia Heyi looked at Ji Shaoyi's back, knowing that Ji Shaoyi is still angry, otherwise, Ji Shaoyi He wouldn't sit by the hospital bed angrily like this without looking at himself.

The truth of the matter is that after she was sent to the operating room, she woke up once, and at that time, such a plan flashed in her mind.If you are lucky, do it, if you are not lucky, what to do, just do it.After all, the regret that flashed through my mind at that time was the quarrel with Yaoguang in the previous time.

The reason for the quarrel, she has not yet figured out.

Therefore, she threatened the doctor that if she did not follow through, the operation would not be performed.

"Xia, Miss Xia, it will be very difficult for us to make such a decision after you!" The doctor made a trembling voice and looked at Xia Heyi who was bleeding continuously.

"If you don't follow suit, I will make it difficult for you now!"

Instead, the doctor got involved and was beaten by Ji Shao.

"But, it's not without benefits, right? After all, I also know who hit me..."

As soon as Ji Shao heard Xia Heyi's words, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes, Sheng, Zhi, Yue!How dare you touch Yiyi!It's just looking for death!He won't let her go!
Lu Yaoguang was taken to the hotel by Gu Zhiyang to rest. Gu Zhiyang gently put Lu Yaoguang on the bed, covered Lu Yaoguang with a quilt, looked at the sleeping Lu Yaoguang's face, and slowly stretched out his hand , caressing Lu Yaoguang's face.

He has always known that Yaoguang's mother has such an identity, and Yaoguang's life since she was a child will definitely not be easy.

But I didn't expect it to be so difficult!
Moreover, the relationship between Yao Guang and Sheng Zhiyue - half-sisters? !

This surprised him very much, but Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Zhiyue are in the same place, oh my God...

Yaoguang, Yaoguang.

In his heart, Gu Zhiyang called Lu Yaoguang's name over and over again, and looked at Lu Yaoguang with infinite tenderness and pity in his eyes.

Yaoguang, Yaoguang... Gu Zhiyang leaned down and rested his forehead gently on Lu Yaoguang's.

What should be done between him and Yaoguang.

She doesn't want to talk to him at all...
Gu Zhiyang just sat beside Lu Yaoguang's bed, watching Lu Yaoguang all night.And when it was almost dawn, Gu Zhiyang's phone vibrated. He turned on the phone and looked at it. When he saw the content of the text message on the phone, his eyes were full of surprise and shock...
(End of this chapter)

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