Chapter 716 So what?
This is--

Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Zhiyue, the father's information.

I didn't expect it to be that person? !

Now, it's a bit difficult... Gu Zhiyang closed his phone, and after learning about the relationship between Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Zhiyue, he immediately asked "him" for help. He heard that "he" is currently To perform a task, if it is not a last resort, he will never ask him to order him personally...

But now, I can't control so much!
Gu Zhiyang desperately wanted to know who Sheng Zhiyue's father was.It's just that I didn't expect it to be - Sheng Quan? !
"Well——" With a soft hum, Lu Yaoguang slowly opened his eyes, "This is..." Lu Yaoguang's consciousness has not yet reacted.

"Hotel." Gu Zhiyang, who was sitting next to Lu Yaoguang, answered Lu Yaoguang's question.Lu Yaoguang immediately sat up, blinked his eyes, then seemed to recall what happened before he fell asleep, and gave Gu Zhiyang a hard look, "Why did you knock me out and bring me here? I'm going to the hospital , wait for He Yi to wake up!"

As Lu Yaoguang said, he pulled back the quilt and was anxious to get out of bed.

"No! You can rest for a while!" Unexpectedly, before her quilt was completely pulled away, she was pressed down again by Gu Zhiyang, and Lu Yaoguang stared at Gu Zhiyang, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing? ! let go!"

"Don't let it go! Never let it go!" Gu Zhiyang said, hugged Lu Yaoguang, and brought Lu Yaoguang into his arms - "Never let it go!"

Lu Yaoguang was pulled in by Gu Zhiyang, and the familiar smell from Gu Zhiyang's body entered his nostrils, making Lu Yaoguang feel sore for no reason, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing?"

"hug you--"

"You let go."

"Not loose—"

"let go--!"

"Not loose—"

Between Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang, like two three-year-old children, "You ask me to answer" in a fit of anger. In the end, Lu Yaoguang said in Gu Zhiyang's arms like a taunt, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing like this?"

This time, Gu Zhiyang was silent.

But he still didn't let go, but Lu Yaoguang easily caught Gu Zhiyang's slack moment and escaped from Gu Zhiyang's arms.

"If you go now, Xia Heyi hasn't woken up yet! Ji Shaoyi and the others will naturally take care of her. If you want to take care of her, at least take care of your body! Look at yourself How can you take care of others when the wind blows and looks like you are about to fall down?!" Seeing that Lu Yaoguang was about to leave the room, Gu Zhiyang stood behind Lu Yaoguang and took Lu Yaoguang's hand.

"So?" Lu Yaoguang turned around and looked at Gu Zhiyang indifferently, "So? Gu Zhiyang, this is my business, please don't interfere!" After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he put his Withdrawing his hand from Gu Zhiyang's,
"Also, I've found a new place to go, and I'm going to move out soon. The place I live now, find time, you can take it back..." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he didn't even look behind him. Gu Zhiyang glanced at him and left the room.Gu Zhiyang was left alone, staring blankly at the door closed by Lu Yaoguang, without saying a word for a long time.

The two of them, in a tacit understanding, didn't mention what happened in Gu's house, and didn't mention the room that no longer existed...
(End of this chapter)

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