Chapter 738 Explain it Well

Gu Xifeng didn't know when he stood in front of Gu Zhiyang, holding Sheng Quan's hand, the two men seemed to be smiling but actually they were secretly exerting force...
Sheng Quan's gaze was fixed on the gun that Gu Xifeng shot to the floor, his eyes narrowed...
"You—" Sheng Quan said a word to Gu Xifeng, when Ouyang Fang appeared in front of Sheng Quan, "Sheng Quan, I've said enough, didn't you hear?"

Sheng Quan looked at Ouyang Fang standing in front of him. It had been a long time since he stood face to face with her like this...

Ouyang Fang was very uncomfortable under Sheng Quan's gaze, Sheng Quan raised his hand, and those men with guns put away their guns one after another.

Song Yun walked to Gu Zhiyang's side and wanted to help Gu Zhiyang up, but Gu Zhiyang ignored him. Gu Zhiyang stood up by himself and looked fiercely at Sheng Quan.

"Gu Zhiyang, don't be brave! Sheng Quan is not someone you can mess with!" Song Yun hurriedly took Gu Zhiyang's hand, fearing that Gu Zhiyang would end up doing unpredictable things to Sheng Quan on the spur of the moment.

"Song Yun, is this your son?" Sheng Quan looked at Gu Zhiyang with a scrutinizing look, "This kid is not bad, he deserves to be a man of Yue'er, have to get along well with him now." Let me explain, why did something happen to Yue'er? Why, did he want to do something to her?" Sheng Quan moved his position and stood from in front of Ouyang Fang to behind Ouyang Fang, looking at Song Yun coldly.

"Hmph, I don't know why Sheng Zhiyue is inside. As for me attacking her, it's because she attacked my people first!" Gu Zhiyang's body also stood in front of Song Yun, blocking Sheng Zhiyue's hand. The right look.

"You, er, person?" Sheng Quan said word by word, and as he didn't say a word, Gu Zhiyang felt that the air temperature around him seemed to drop, "Song Yun, this What's going on? You have to explain it to me."

Ouyang Fang closed her eyes and clenched her hands into fists. After listening to Sheng Quan's words, she turned around and pulled Sheng Quan over, "What's going on? Isn't it all because of you?!"

"Me?" Sheng Quan looked at Ouyang Fang inexplicably, but the look in his eyes that fell on Ouyang Fang was completely different from just now, the eyes were full of tenderness. "Ah Fang, what are you talking about? I don't understand..."

"Don't understand?" Ouyang Fang seemed to be stimulated by these three words, and suddenly slapped Sheng Quan with a slap. I······"

Back then, that woman ruined the child, Sheng Quan, you also used the three words "do not understand" to perfuse me.


"Don't call me that!" Ouyang Fang covered her ears in pain, tears streaming down her face, "If it wasn't for what you did back then, Yueer wouldn't have met Lu Yaoguang, if she hadn't met Lu Yaoguang, Yue'er wouldn't be lying in the hospital today! If Yue'er hadn't been lying in the hospital, she wouldn't have been disfigured..." Ouyang Fang said, her voice became softer and softer, and in the end, she couldn't control herself. He stopped himself, squatted on the ground, and wailed loudly.

Her poor Yueer, why, God treats her Yueer like this...
(End of this chapter)

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