Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 739 That Woman's Daughter

Chapter 739 That Woman's Daughter

If there is anything wrong, let her alone bear it!Why, let Yue'er suffer so much?Disfigured? !How could Yue'er bear it?How could she accept this fact in her heart? !
"Ah Fang...you, don't cry." When Sheng Quan heard that Sheng Zhiyue would be disfigured, his expression cracked, especially when he saw Ouyang Fang squatting on the ground crying like a child , I feel like my heart is going to break.

Song Yun quickly walked to Ouyang Fang's side and helped Ouyang Fang up. Ouyang Fang lay on Song Yun's body, sobbing.

"Don't cry, it will be fine, everything will be fine. Now that the medical level is so advanced, Yue'er's face will be fine..." Song Yun patted Ouyang Fang's shoulder, soothing Ouyang Fang's emotions.

"Lu Yaoguang? That damned little bastard?! Where is she now? She was let go back then, why is she getting involved with Yue'er now?!" Sheng Quan slammed his hand against the wall, The mood fluctuated greatly, and I looked up, and once again felt very painful and deeply helpless for the mistakes I made when I was drunk...

"Keep your mouth clean!" When Gu Zhiyang heard the words "little bastard" from Sheng Quan's mouth, his whole body became angry, and he wanted to rush to Sheng Quan to settle accounts, but However, Gu Xifeng kept blocking Gu Zhiyang, preventing Gu Zhiyang from acting recklessly on impulse. "Let me go! Gu Xifeng, it's none of your business here!" Gu Zhiyang looked at Gu Xifeng with resentful eyes. Could it be that Gu Xifeng thought that he would give him a good face because he saved him once just now? ? !How dare you stop yourself!

"Look around, Yao Guang has disappeared, are you still fighting with Sheng Quan and the others here?" Gu Xifeng reminded in time, Gu Zhiyang calmed down, and his eyes turned to Lu Yao just now. Scan the place where Guang stayed, where is Lu Yaoguang's shadow? !

Yaoguang, where did she go? !
Yao Guang's current state...Damn it!Just now, I was so focused on getting entangled with this group of people that I forgot the existence of Yaoguang!

Yaoguang, where have you been?Don't stay alone at this time!
Seeing that Lu Yaoguang was not found in all directions, Gu Zhiyang ran towards the elevator door with a stride.

"Yao Guang? Why is this matter related to her again?" Song Yun, because of the conversation between Ouyang Fang and Sheng Quan just now, left Monk Zhang Er confused. What are they talking about? ?What is the relationship between Yaoguang and Yue'er?What's the relationship with Shengquan?
Ouyang Fang sobbed, raised her head from Song Yun's shoulder, looked at Song Yun with complicated emotions, "Xiaoyun, Lu Yaoguang, is that woman's daughter!"

Song Yun froze in place. What did she hear just now? !

Yao Guang, is it the daughter who caused Sheng Quan and Ouyang Fang to turn from a happy couple into the current situation? !
Isn't that Sheng Quan him...

Oh my god, she, she actually let Yao Guang live in the Gu family for so long...
"Xiaofang, I, I..." Song Yun opened her mouth, wanting to explain something to Ouyang Fang, Ouyang Fang shook her head at Song Yun, and left Song Yun's side...
(End of this chapter)

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