Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 787 What are you doing here?

Chapter 787 What are you doing here?

The car drove to the place where Lu Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang lived...

"Wang, there is someone approaching you right now. Do we want to attack?" In the room, Gu Zhiyang was stewing tonic, planning to give it to Lu Yaoguang. Even with it, the injuries on his body healed slowly.

Xia Heyi and the others wanted to come over, but after he briefly told them about the matter, he still told them not to come over for the time being.

Sheng Quan's people don't know when they will come again. If they are involved, it must be a scene that Yao Guang would rather die than see.

In the bluetooth headset, there was a voice, which was transmitted to Gu Zhiyang's ears.

"Are you sure you're alone?"

"Yes. Now, she has got out of the car, and the person who brought her parked the car not far from the house."

"How many people are in the car?"

"Just one. That person has been sitting in the car without moving. But that woman has been standing at the door, moving forward and back. I don't know whether she wants to go in or leave..."

a woman?Hesitating in and out?

Who is the one?Xia Heyi Youji Shaoyi looked at him, he probably wouldn't come over...

Gu Zhiyang put down what he was busy with, picked up the black phone, "You switch to the phone screen and show me."


Soon, the screen of Gu Zhiyang's cell phone showed the person standing in front of their house.

This is - Gu Zhiyang narrowed his eyes, if he remembers correctly, it seems to be Sheng Zhiyue's nanny?The one called Mama?

What is she doing furtively at the door? !Also, she seemed to be holding something in her hand - Gu Zhiyang approached and used his fingers to zoom in on the screen of his phone, what was that? !

"Don't act rashly, scan to see what she is holding in her hand, but it must not be something like an explosion..." Now the situation is not right, Sheng Quan is a person who can't figure out his temper. Regarding Yaoguang's safety, he can't tolerate any mistakes!


Just when Gu Zhiyang ordered his subordinates to scan the things in my mother's hands, my mother had already made up her mind and started walking towards the house——

Gu Zhiyang immediately turned off the fire in the kitchen and walked to the door.

The moment my mother was about to knock on the door, I opened the door, blocked my mother, and looked at her vigilantly, "What are you doing here?!"

My mother didn't expect that just as she was about to knock on the door, the door would be opened suddenly, and the one standing there was still Gu Zhiyang——

"I want to find Yao Guang..." Ai Mama's tone was no longer as aggressive as before, but instead, there was something more, guilt? ?Gu Zhiyang didn't know why, but from the expression on his mother's face and her tone, he could read this kind of emotion? !

What are you kidding?guilt?Sheng Zhiyue's people against Yao Guang? !

There is such a thing?Why not just tell him that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east today...

"Heh, come to find Yaoguang?!" Gu Zhiyang blocked the door, looking at his mother mockingly, "Do you think that you didn't hurt her enough, and you still want to bring her pain?"

"No, that's not the case..." Mommy heard Gu Zhiyang say this, and immediately retorted nervously: "I just want to meet Yao Guang..."

(End of this chapter)

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