Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 788 I Just Want To Come To See You

Chapter 788 I Just Want To Come To See You
"Heh, heh." Gu Zhiyang sneered twice, looking at his mother with unreasonable eyes, "Don't you have any idea what you did to Yaoguang before? What are you doing here? Go away!"

"You——why are you doing this! I'm here to see Yaoguang, not you!" Seeing that Gu Zhiyang blocked the door tightly, she wanted to see Yaoguang but was blocked by Gu Zhiyang. Can't help but feel a little annoyed.Today, she must see Yao Guang!
"Why do I do this? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for your age, I would have been rude to you today! Get out of here! Yaoguang won't see you!" Gu Zhiyang's eyes It was getting colder and colder, and there was a terrifying aura that couldn't be denied——

And my mother, also shocked by Gu Zhiyang's terrifying aura, took a step back involuntarily.


This young man has such a terrifying aura...
Can you exude such an aura at such a young age? !
"Gu Zhiyang, what happened?!" At this moment, Lu Yaoguang's voice suddenly came from behind Gu Zhiyang.

Lu Yaoguang was originally studying upstairs, but he vaguely heard Gu Zhiyang's voice downstairs, as if he was talking to someone, Lu Yaoguang was worried and decided to go downstairs to have a look.

hateful!Gu Zhiyang cursed secretly in his heart, did he speak too loudly?
"It's nothing, I made soup for you, you just come down, come and drink." Gu Zhiyang quickly closed the door and locked his mother out, he didn't want Yao Guang to see his mother now.

"Wait a minute!" Although Gu Zhiyang had sharp eyesight and quick hands, his mother reacted in an instant, and hurriedly slapped the door with her hand, but because of this, her hand was caught by the door. , also fell to the ground——

"Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing?" Lu Yaoguang felt something was wrong when he heard the sound, walked in and saw his mother who was holding his hand at this time, and blocking the door, standing aside facing Lu Yao Gu Zhiyang's eyes were rather embarrassing.

Gu Zhiyang felt a little hairy when Lu Yaoguang saw it, so he said in a slightly aggrieved voice, "I just don't want her to see you~"

The word "Well" at the end scared Lu Yaoguang so much that goose bumps appeared all over his body.

"You are looking for me, what's the matter?" Lu Yaoguang first picked up the things that his mother had dropped on the ground, and handed them to his mother.And my mother looked up at Lu Yaoguang, and looked at Lu Yaoguang from the beginning to the end with the most serious eyes, as if she wanted to engrave Lu Yaoguang deeply in her mind. , the eye sockets are getting redder...

like ah!It's really like it!
Especially those eyes are exactly the same as Madam's eyes!same!
Why did Mingming Yaoguang and his wife look so similar in facial features, but she still didn't recognize her...

"I, I just want to come and see you." Mommy said nervously, "How's your injury?"

Lu Yaoguang listened to his mother's tone of voice, looked at her mother's attitude, felt that her mother was weird, and saw her mother's body trembling slightly, her eyes were red, and felt that her mother was looking for her outside. Standing didn't seem very good, so he opened the door and made way for him, "Come and sit first."

"Yaoguang...!" Gu Zhiyang's eyes were tough, "Why did you let her in?!"

(End of this chapter)

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