Chapter 810 Will it work?OK!
"Perhaps when the time comes, you may not be the one who leaves me." Lu Yaoguang hypothesized.She is not a person who likes to make promises.

Because she is not sure whether she can make this promise well.

He hasn't done anything to himself so far, but it doesn't mean he won't do anything to himself in the future.Today, it is a day to enjoy being with Gu Zhiyang. She now feels like a princess, being pampered by Gu Zhiyang every day, very happy.With Gu Zhiyang, I feel at ease and at ease.Even if he didn't know when he would let someone take her away.

Sheng Zhiyue's face was disfigured, he will definitely attack him, it's just a matter of time.

The safety now, the time spent with you, does not mean that I will be able to do it in the future, Zhiyang...
"I won't leave you." Gu Zhiyang didn't hear the answer he wanted, and he was a little disappointed, but he hugged Lu Yaoguang tightly, as if he wanted to rub Lu Yaoguang into his arms hard . "I won't leave you..."

Lu Yaoguang wanted to say thank you, but he felt that what was the point of saying this.I have said too many thanks to Gu Zhiyang...

"Although I can't guarantee whether I can be with you in the future." Lu Yaoguang raised his head and looked at Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang lowered his head, and the two looked at each other, "But if I tell you, I want to I'll be with you from now on, okay?"

Gu Zhiyang stared straight at Lu Yaoguang, lowered his head suddenly, kissed Lu Yaoguang, and pushed him down on the sofa. Lu Yaoguang didn't struggle, and even let Gu Zhiyang do things to him.

Gu Zhiyang tore off the rubber band of Lu Yaoguang's hair with his hands, let the black and beautiful hair hang down, passed his fingers through, and clasped the back of Lu Yaoguang's head, really, wishing to rub Lu Yaoguang into his In the bones!I really want to, I really want to...

Seeing that Gu Zhiyang kissed more and more fiercely, the siege made people almost overwhelmed, and his breath was taken away, until Lu Yaoguang felt that he was about to suffocate, he beat Gu Zhiyang's back quickly, making Gu Zhiyang stop .

Gu Zhiyang received Lu Yaoguang's "message", opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yaoguang, only to see that Lu Yaoguang's eyes were full of mist, shimmering and confused, so cute...

"Huh—huh—" The two ended their long kiss, and Gu Zhiyang lay on Lu Yaoguang's body.

"Hey, why don't you just pretend to be dead after finishing the hooligans? Get up quickly, it's very heavy."; Lu Yaoguang pushed Gu Zhiyang, but the "monster" on her body was too powerful, and she couldn't push it at all. If he couldn't push it, he wasted the strength he had recovered so hard.

Gu Zhiyang sniffed the fragrance of Lu Yaoguang's hair and told himself that he must not get up now!You must not see Lu Yaoguang's current appearance!Otherwise, he really doesn't mind being a hooligan in depth...
"Okay." Gu Zhiyang replied.

Lu Yaoguang secretly scolded you, Gu Zhiyang, to answer my question, do I need to eat tofu before answering? !But she slowly raised the corners of her mouth and hugged Gu Zhiyang...
In the Gu's Group, Song Yun was sitting in front of the computer, her fingers quickly operating on the computer keyboard, the corners of her eyes were already pitch black, and her face was full of exhaustion.

"Knock Knock-"

(End of this chapter)

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