Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 811 Feed Me 【Xiyun Chapter】

Chapter 811 Feed Me [Xiyun Chapter]

"Come in." Song Yun didn't lift her head, and came in in response. Gu Xifeng brought the coffee and placed it in front of Song Yun.

"President, you have been working so hard for two consecutive days. If you don't take a break, your body will not be able to bear it." Gu Xifeng stared at Song Yun who kept his eyes on the computer screen, but Song Yun did not answer Gu Xifeng , still dealing with the matter at hand.

"Pick up the coffee." Suddenly, Song Yun made a sound, and Gu Xifeng picked up the coffee in confusion, "President, do you want it?"

"Hey me." Song Yun said these words very calmly without much ups and downs.

Gu Xifeng: "..." He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears? !

"I'm sorry, President, please—" Gu Xifeng just wanted to say, could you please say it again?I suspect that I seem to have misheard something just now.However, before Gu Xifeng finished speaking, Song Yun's voice sounded again——

"I said, hello." Song Yun shifted her gaze to Gu Xifeng, took a look at Gu Xifeng, and then immediately turned her gaze to the computer screen, "You've already wasted two seconds of my time, why don't you hurry up?" Do you want to execute it?"

The two seconds Song Yun said meant that it took her two seconds to fix her eyes on Gu Xifeng.

Gu Xifeng finally believed that he heard correctly this time. He picked up the coffee, which was still steaming, "President, it's a little hot..."

Song Yun frowned, "You're a little hot, can't you blow it off? You're so stupid! You can tell you're single just by looking at it."

Gu Xifeng felt a little funny when he heard Song Yun say that. How could he judge that he was single from such a simple behavior?Is it too hasty?
"Hurry up! If you keep dawdling like this, believe it or not, I will drive you out?!" Song Yun really couldn't wait any longer, time is extremely precious now, wasting even a second can be said to be a missed opportunity for Gu She didn't want to waste this time drinking coffee for the chance to bring her back to life.But indeed, as Gu Xifeng said, she has done too much high-intensity work, and now if she doesn't rely on coffee to keep her mind clear, she will really collapse!
But the current situation does not allow her to fall down at all!She has no time to fall!

I don't know where it came from. The internal news of the Gu's Group, in just a dozen hours, companies and manufacturers that have cooperated with the Gu's Group, have asked to terminate the contract with the Gu's Group...
Gu's Group has no source of funds, and none of the banks is willing to lend to Gu's Group...
Now in the Gu's Group, only a dozen people still choose to stay and face with themselves to solve the crisis of the Gu's Group together.

But they still have families and need to support them.Although he said that he would wait for this crisis to pass, and then come to get wages and bonuses.But she knew in her heart that no matter what, these people's wages must not be less!Even in a crisis like this...

Therefore, the Gu Group must not fall down!Don't fall down!

"Then, does the president mind if I blow it up?" Out of politeness, Gu Xifeng was still talking too much. Hearing what Gu Xifeng said, Song Yun really wanted to slap Gu Xi's fan down. a man? !She was so pissed off!
(End of this chapter)

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