Chapter 821 Face (01)

The reason why Sheng Zhiyue gets angry is nothing more than seeing that other people's faces are intact.

It would make her think that her face, now, is not perfect.

When two or three people were serving Sheng Zhiyue before, they were punished by Sheng Zhiyue for this reason, beaten to the point of blood, and kicked out.

"Why don't you raise your head and talk to me?!" Sheng Zhiyue said dissatisfiedly, the servant in front of her looked timid, which made her very uncomfortable.

When the servant heard what Sheng Zhiyue said, his whole body trembled, God, God, the most terrifying time has come!
"Sheng, Miss Sheng, I, I..."

"Look up!" Sheng Zhiyue ordered sternly, the timid look really upset her!
The servant said that she will definitely be punished by Sheng Zhiyue this time!Just when he was about to go all out and look up, there was a knock on the door——

"Miss Sheng, the doctors have arrived!"

When Sheng Zhiyue heard the news, she was so happy that she was about to fly, and she was a little overwhelmed with excitement. She glanced at the servant standing in front of her again, and cursed, "Are you an idiot? Didn't you hear the doctor come?" Don’t you hurry up and get some clothes for me to wear!” The servant heard Sheng Zhiyue say this, quickly took the clothes from the closet, and helped Sheng Zhiyue change...
"Today, I'm going to remove the gauze for Miss Sheng!" Dr. Li said helplessly, his voice was full of exhaustion, and he couldn't imagine what would happen next.

"What are you worried about? When you remove the gauze, just remove the gauze!" The fat doctor said, bumping into Dr. Li lightly, making Dr. Li look towards Wang Fu.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about!"

"It's just..."

Other doctors also echoed. They smiled and looked at Wang Fu.No, is there a scapegoat? !
When the time comes, just blame Wang Fu for all the faults!
Sensing the eyes of the doctors, Wang Fu raised his head and smiled at them, "The stitches will be removed today! It would be great if Miss Sheng can recover successfully!"

"Yes, yes!" All the doctors agreed, and immediately, Sheng Zhiyue asked these doctors to come over.

When the doctor arrived, Sheng Zhiyue was already sitting upright on the ward, waiting for the doctor to remove the gauze for her.

"Is it just a matter of simply removing the gauze?"

"Eh... this, before removing the gauze, we need to check it again. I hope Miss Sheng Zhiyue can cooperate with us patiently!"

"Since that's the case, why don't you hurry up and check? What are you talking about?! Let me tell you, if I can't see my original face today, I'll ask you!" Sheng Zhiyue couldn't get used to it roared the sluggish doctors.

The doctors were all shocked and very nervous.

I hope that after a while, I can really use Wang Fu as an excuse to deal with it!

Otherwise, they will all be miserable... Sheng Zhiyue is upset, and it is not impossible to shoot them all down with one shot!

Several doctors approached Sheng Zhiyue and began to "examine" Sheng Zhiyue.

Sheng Zhiyue was obviously in a good mood, closed her eyes, and let the doctors torment her.Just wait for a while, wait for a while, she can see the perfect face before again!

(End of this chapter)

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