Chapter 822 Face (02)

Finally, after the inspection, Sheng Zhiyue closed her eyes, looking forward to her own face after the gauze was removed...
The gauze was removed layer by layer, everyone held their breath and concentrated, not daring to make a sound, finally, at the moment when the gauze was lifted——
"Ah..." The servant who was serving Sheng Zhiyue suddenly screamed when he saw Sheng Zhiyue's face, and then suddenly reached out his hand to cover his mouth, lowered his head, not daring to One more word.

"What's going on? What are you shouting?!" Sheng Zhiyue yelled at the servant, and immediately realized that something was wrong. Everyone else held their breath and focused, with serious expressions on their faces...

"What's going on? Why don't you talk?!" Sheng Zhiyue looked angry, and glanced at them sharply——
wrong!She just lifted the gauze. Instead of congratulating her, these people showed such faces. Could it be...

Sheng Zhiyue reached out to touch her face tremblingly, a terrifying thought circled in her mind.

Could it be... her face, isn't it good? !Immediately, when Sheng Zhiyue touched her face, she verified her thoughts...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sheng Zhiyue screamed, "Give me the mirror! Give me the mirror! I want a mirror! I want a mirror!" The servant was hysterical by Sheng Zhiyue Scared by the sound, he ran to get the mirror in a panic.

All the doctors looked at each other, looking at their noses with their eyes, their noses at their hearts——
"My face, my face..." Sheng Zhiyue took the mirror and stood up——
I saw that her face had mostly recovered compared to when she was injured before, but there was only a scar that slid from the left temple to the middle of the face, and I saw that scar hovering ferociously around Sheng Zhiyue's left cheek, After Sheng Zhiyue saw it, she almost fainted!
"What's going on here? Why hasn't my face healed yet?! You useless trash! Trash!" Sheng Zhiyue threw the mirror in his hand to the ground, splashing it all over the floor.

"Miss Sheng, please calm down, your face is like this, it's all because..." Dr. Li saw that the situation was wrong, and planned to shirk responsibility, who knows, Sheng Zhiyue is now emotional, and doesn't want to listen to them at all nonsense!
"Come here! Drag them all down for me! Drag them down! I want him to kill you! Kill you!!!" Sheng Zhiyue was agitated, and the subordinates who heard her orders outside the door hurriedly pulled these people out locked up.

"Wait! Miss Sheng! Please listen to us..."

"Miss Sheng, give us a chance to explain..."

It's a pity that the current Sheng Zhiyue can't listen to what these people said at all. She angrily shook the things in the room, and everyone retreated from Sheng Zhiyue's room. Sheng Zhiyue vented her emotions in the room.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my face" Already? !

What to do, what to do!
With such a face, how could she go out to meet people? !

Why, why did God treat her like this? !Why·······

All of this was caused by that damn bitch!
(End of this chapter)

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