Chapter 827 Miss Sheng (04)

Center Mall.

This is the most prosperous area in the city. All major shopping malls have branches and headquarters here, and people come and go.Here, there are countless dazzling accessories and clothing. If you just go shopping and don’t buy anything, you only need to spend two hours to walk through the central mall once.

"Miss Sheng, what do you want to buy here? There are too many people here. If you want to go shopping, it is not enough for a few of us to come out and follow you. Please wait here for a while, I will call immediately Send people over to follow you."

Wang Fu gave Sheng Zhiyue a look with his eyes. Sheng Zhiyue was covered with a veil and his lips were tightly pressed, "No need, you just wait at the door. Dr. Wang and I just came here to have a look. He needs to buy some things."

"Yes. Then please be careful, Miss Sheng."

Sheng Zhiyue nodded, and together with Wang Fu, walked into the central shopping mall——

"Where is the evidence you said? What did you bring me here for? Also, you are too close to me..." Sheng Zhiyue said, just as she wanted to stay away from Wang Fu, Wang Fu rested on Sheng Zhi The hand on Yue's side immediately moved, and Sheng Zhiyue's waist immediately felt a sharp pain, "You!"

"There are a lot of people here, and there are people from you outside. Do you really think I don't know what you are thinking? Want to escape? Hehe, there is no door~ But..." Wang Fu said, suddenly He retracted his hand and stopped, "I just remembered that I still hold the video of when your mother switched you in my hand. In fact, I don't need to look at you like this. As long as you dare to run, I will Immediately send that video to the United States... Tell me, how sad will she be when that rich family knows that the child she has raised and loved all these years is not her own child?"

"At that time, will everything you have still exist?"

Sheng Zhiyue looked at Wang Fu's villainous look, and couldn't get angry, but seeing Wang Fu's swearing appearance, Sheng Zhiyue began to be confused again. Is this what Wang Fu said? real? !
If, if things are really as this Wang Fu said, she is not...

No, impossible!Sheng Zhiyue, how can you allow yourself to have such thoughts!All of this was made up by Wang Fu himself in order to survive!No, you can't shake your mind!You are Sheng Zhiyue!It's Ouyang Fang's daughter!

"Huh? Let's go! Don't you want to go? Why don't you go now?!" Wang Fu looked at Sheng Zhiyue still standing there with a very happy expression on his face, "Go!"

Sheng Zhiyue gritted her teeth! "You brought me here, is it to let me go?! What's the point of always talking about what can't go?! Don't you want to see the evidence?! Go see it now! If you don't see anything by then If there is any evidence, I will have someone kill you right away!"

However, Sheng Zhiyue still couldn't stop thinking in her heart, why would Wang Fu say such things about her? !What is the evidence in his hands? !

"Heck, that's good. Actually, I don't come here often in the central shopping mall. I have to let Miss Sheng do it for me to show you where to look at the evidence. Let's go to a store called 'Mori Girl Tribe'."

(End of this chapter)

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