Chapter 828 Miss Sheng (05)

"Mori Girl Tribe?!" Sheng Zhiyue was obviously taken aback when she heard the name, "Why did you mention this store name suddenly? What do you want me to take you there for?!"

Mori girl tribe, isn't this the brand store she has been patronizing all along? !

The clothes in there are all very expensive and neat, what did Wang Fu ask me to take him there for? !

"I've never heard of this name, anyway, it's a store you like to patronize. I heard this name after listening to it for a long time yesterday. Don't talk nonsense, you want to know the evidence I showed you, so hurry up !" Wang Fu raised his hand, looked at the watch in his hand, the time was running out, and if they didn't hurry up, they might have finished shopping and left!
"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Mori girl tribe.

"Ah, Aunt... What did you bring me here for?!" Lu Yaoguang looked at his mother with some helplessness. Yesterday, his mother said that she would take her to a place, so this is it? !

"Yaoguang, are you stupid? What else can I do by bringing you to a clothes store? Of course I want to buy clothes for you." Gu Zhiyang stood beside Lu Yaoguang with his arms folded, looking him up and down. The mother in front of him and Yaoguang.

This mother, for so many days, has been dangling in front of Yaoguang almost every day. She has done this, and he has no idea what she is going to do...
"Yaoguang, he is right. What else can I do with bringing you to the clothes store? Of course I want to buy clothes for you! Come here quickly and see if there is anything you like! These clothes are very beautiful!" His mother pulled Lu Yaoguang over. Although Lu Yaoguang was a little at a loss, he was still frightened when he heard that his mother wanted to buy clothes for him.

"Auntie, I have no shortage of clothes to wear. You have been making soup for me before, and I have already drank a lot, and I have indeed accepted your kindness. If it is because of what you did to me before, when I was a child, I have already forgotten I have almost forgotten what you did to me during this period of time after I grew up. I really don’t need you to go through so much trouble.” Lu Yaoguang said while holding his hand Pulled out from my mother, "Besides, the clothes here are very expensive, not suitable for me..."

"Yaoguang! Yaoguang, don't go--" Seeing that Lu Yaoguang wanted to "run away", my mother hurriedly kept Lu Yaoguang, because she was a little anxious, she started coughing, "cough cough... ·······················

"Auntie, how are you? Is something wrong with your health again? Let's go to the hospital!" Lu Yaoguang stopped when he heard his mother coughing, and ran to her side, "Did you take the risk last time?" Yu came to bring me soup, and I was wearing less clothes, and then I caught a cold. It must be that time I caught a cold and it’s okay, right? Let’s go to the hospital to have a look..."

Last time, my mother cooked soup to see Lu Yaoguang, but it was a pity that it started to rain halfway, and my mother accidentally got wet. After going to Lu Yaoguang's place, she had a low-grade fever and cough. I'm very guilty, but I don't know how to tell my mother. My mother has insisted on giving her soup for so long. It seems that she really wants to make up for something. She always has a wonderful feeling about her mother. Inside...

(End of this chapter)

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