Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 830 "Miss Sheng"

Chapter 830 "Miss Sheng" (07)

My mother saw Lu Yaoguang walking out with long hair. This was the first time she saw Lu Yaoguang with her hair down. She couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from making a sound. She looked at Lu Yaoguang. Tears welled up in Hikari's eyes——

picture!Really, so much alike!
Why was she so blind at the beginning, and didn't see that Yao Guang was so similar to his wife when she was young? !
In particular, the appearance when she let down her hair can be said to be exactly the same!

She is so stupid!If he had noticed these things earlier, wouldn't Yao Guang have suffered less? !
"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Is your body uncomfortable again?!" Lu Yaoguang was worried again when he saw his mother's abnormal appearance, "You can't do this, let's go to the hospital!"

When my mother heard that Lu Yaoguang said that she was going to be sent to the hospital, she shook her head quickly and wiped the corners of her eyes, "I'm fine, I'm fine, Yaoguang. Don't worry! I'm just amazed by your beauty! This dress It's so pretty..." Mom walked around Lu Yaoguang, "It suits our Yaoguang! It's beautiful, it's so beautiful! This dress is really nice! Of course, the person is even better... ···”

When Gu Zhiyang heard his mother say that, he almost couldn't help rolling his eyes. He felt more and more that this mother was so good at boasting!What's wrong with the clothes?Every piece of clothing here is very good!The key is to see who picks the clothes!

"Thank you, thank you, auntie, for your compliment..." Lu Yaoguang said shyly.

My mother took Lu Yaoguang's hand, looked left and then at the ground, and kept sizing up Lu Yaoguang, with nothing but admiration in her eyes, "Go, my mother will pick another one for you..."

"Hey, what's the matter, have you seen it all?! Who is the person who is buying clothes in the Mori Girl Tribe now?!" Wang Fu stood behind Sheng Zhiyue, looked at the scene in front of him, and almost smiled. From ear to ear.

Sheng Zhiyue couldn't believe the scene before her eyes!
what happened?How could my mother be with that little bitch Lu Yaoguang? !Moreover, my mother still looks so happy? !
what 's wrong?what happened? !When did the relationship between my mother and that little bitch become so good? !Why doesn't she know? !She was completely buried in the drum!
"How, did you see it? This is the evidence I brought you! Surprised? Surprised?!" Seeing Sheng Zhiyue's unbelievable expression, Wang Fu said again, "That old mother, isn't it? Protecting you all day long, treating you like your own daughter, can't you be wronged?! But look at this mother, what did she do after you were disfigured by Lu Yaoguang?!

"She is taking that Lu Yaoguang who disfigured you shopping!"

"I'm shopping, lol... Although I don't come to the central mall very often, I even found out that there is such a store called 'Mori Girl Tribe' yesterday, but this 'Mori Girl Tribe' can be known at a glance. Clothes are expensive!"

"Tell me, does that mother of yours want to buy clothes for Lu Yaoguang herself? Or buy clothes for Lu Yaoguang? Heck... lol..."

(End of this chapter)

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