Chapter 831 I Don't Listen (01)

Sheng Zhiyue opened her eyes wide, unable to believe what was happening in front of her eyes.

Then, is that... my mother? !
Why did my mother stay with Lu Yaoguang? !And Zhiyang? !

Moreover, why is my mother so close to Lu Yaoguang? !
"What's going on... What's going on..." Sheng Zhiyue murmured, Wang Fu, who was standing beside Sheng Zhiyue, saw Sheng Zhiyue's surprised appearance, and asked again. Increased the "firepower" again: "These days, the mother who has been by your side always disappears for a while, right? Do you know that every time she disappears, she is always with Lu Yaoguang— —and every time I go to see Lu Yaoguang with her stewed soup and some supplements."

"Didn't you find that your mother's attitude towards you is very bad recently? Maybe it's not bad, but compared to before, that attitude is much worse, isn't it..."

Sheng Zhiyue scratched the wall fiercely with both hands, no, she didn't believe it!She can't believe it's true!

"Aren't you still willing to believe it now? Don't be stupid. Take a closer look. The way your mother looks at Lu Yaoguang. Take a closer look. What kind of look is that? It's pampering, guilt, and compensation." Are your eyes right? Take a closer look, take a closer look..." Wang Fu kept "teaching" Sheng Zhiyue, "Well, why do you look at this girl with such eyes? It is said that he is the 'culprit' who caused your family to be unable to reunite?"

"Tell me, why is this?"

"Enough is enough! Stop talking! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!" Sheng Zhiyue desperately covered her ears, but her eyes couldn't be controlled. On the three people who bought things in the Mori girl tribe, talking and laughing...
Mom, what's going on?Don't you always hate that little bitch Lu Yaoguang the most?

Don't you always think that that little bastard Lu Yaoguang and her lowly mother ruined everything about Yue'er?

Don't you always think that Yue'er is the victim? !Then why, why do you want to be with this person who harmed Yue'er's family now?And all the laughs? !

"Okay, you just admit it..." Wang Fu leaned down, and smiled very strangely in Sheng Zhiyue's ear, "Actually, you already know in your heart why your mother is acting like this." How much has changed, hasn’t it?!”

"Except that you are not the daughter of the Sheng family, tell me, why did my mother suddenly change her attitude towards you so much?!"

"No! I won't listen! Don't say any more... don't say any more!"

Sheng Zhiyue wanted to escape, wanted to hide far away, and didn't want Wang Fu's voice to reach his ears again, but Wang Fu didn't give Sheng Zhiyue the slightest chance. Hide, immediately blocked Sheng Zhiyue, and continued to speak in Sheng Zhiyue's ear, "Except that the person over there who is shopping for clothes is the real lady of the Sheng family, what reason would you give to that mother of yours? The attitude towards her has changed so much? Has she become so nice to her?! Oh yes, I also heard a little... The man standing next to my mother and Lu Yaoguang is - Gu Zhi Yang, right?" Sheng Zhiyue froze when Wang Fu just finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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