Chapter 832 I Don't Listen (02)

Zhi, Zhiyang...
"Look again, how harmonious is your mother, Lu Yaoguang, and Gu Zhiyang? I heard that you and Gu Zhiyang were engaged before, right? But now, it seems that the engagement is broken Ah..." Wang Fuhan laughed, "When you were engaged, I heard that Mrs. Ouyang Fang and Mrs. Song Yun considered marriage for their children, didn't they?!"

"Say, they are a match made in heaven..." Wang Fu had just finished speaking, and seeing Sheng Zhiyue's breakdown as a matter of course, a flash of joy flashed in Wang Fu's eyes.

"Ah! Get out! Don't say any more! Shut up! Shut up!" Sheng Zhiyue pushed Wang Fu away violently, she couldn't take it anymore!Unbearable!Why is she here to listen to Wang Fu say these things are wrong? !She is leaving!She is getting out of here!

"Want to leave?!" Seeing that Sheng Zhiyue wanted to leave here, Wang Fu immediately grabbed Sheng Zhiyue, grabbed Sheng Zhiyue's chin with his hand, and forced Sheng Zhiyue to look in the direction of the Mori girl tribe, " Take a good look at it, and imprint the happy appearance of the three people in front of you in your mind, it will remind you all the time, who is the real Miss Sheng family!"

As soon as Wang Fu finished speaking, Sheng Zhiyue's left eye uncontrollably shed a tear of terror, and then, Sheng Zhiyue didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly broke away from Wang Fu's control, and ran away in a hurry——

And Wang Fu didn't stop Sheng Zhiyue either. He took out his phone and turned to the column of Sheng Zhiyue's phone number. Now, after Sheng Zhiyue sorts out the current situation, he will " Fine" said to her.

Heck, today's plan went perfectly!

Wang Fu felt very satisfied. With a smile on his face, he slowly left from the central mall...
Will not!Will not!None of this is true!None of this is true!

Wearing a veil, Sheng Zhiyue ran in the direction of the central shopping mall, she didn't believe it!Can't believe all this is true!Everything, everything was lied to by that damned Wang Fu!I'm lying to her!
"Miss Sheng, you, why did you run out?" Suddenly, Sheng Zhiyue bumped into her subordinate. When Sheng Zhiyue heard the subordinate say "Miss Sheng", she suddenly felt a headache. Seeing that the expression on Sheng Zhiyue's face was wrong, she seemed a little uncomfortable, so she hurriedly summoned people, "Come on quickly! Send Miss Sheng home immediately!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Soon, Sheng Zhiyue was brought home by his subordinates.

"Miss Sheng, how is your health now? Do you need me to call the doctor to see you?"

Sheng Zhiyue shook her head wearily.

"Is it really not necessary? But Miss Sheng, you look really bad now!" The subordinate saw Sheng Zhiyue's pale face, and remembered that His Highness had desperately told him to take good care of her before he left. Good Miss Sheng Zhiyue, otherwise, they won't be able to make it easy!Now Miss Sheng Zhiyue didn't know why her complexion was so ugly all of a sudden, she really wanted to scare them to death!
"I said no need, are you deaf? Get out of here! I don't want to see anyone now!" Sheng Zhiyue only felt that she had a terrible headache now, and was being read by this eye-obscuring guy all the time. It's about to explode!
(End of this chapter)

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