Chapter 833 I Don't Listen (03)

"It's so annoying! Didn't you hear what I said? Why don't you get out of here quickly!" Sheng Zhiyue saw that just after she finished speaking, the subordinate didn't respond, and she was still standing there stupidly. Hit one place and start to teach others again——

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's step down now, let's step down now..."

Seeing that group of annoying subordinates finally retreat, Sheng Zhiyue dragged his tired body and walked slowly into her room...
She is so tired, so tired, she really wants to lie down and have a good sleep right now...

While thinking about it, Sheng Zhiyue rubbed her temples, and casually lay back on the soft bed.But the moment Sheng Zhiyue lay down, everything she and Wang Fu saw in the central shopping mall just now appeared in Sheng Zhiyue's mind——

Aunt, Zheng, Lu Yaoguang and Zhiyang were chatting and laughing, and Aunt personally picked out a suit of clothes and handed it to Lu Yaoguang, gesticulating on Lu Yaoguang...
Sheng Zhiyue was so frightened by the picture in her mind that she sat up from the bed, no, no, this is not true!This is not true!
My mother will definitely not be there anymore!My mother will definitely not be there again!
Yes, how could the person there be a mother? !My mother hates that little bastard so much, every time she sees that little bastard, she can't wait to beat her up to vent her anger. How can she get along with that little bastard with a playful smile? !She must have read it wrong!She must have read it wrong!

That Wang Fu must have somehow contacted Zhiyang and that little bastard in advance, and then found someone who looked like Mama Xu to the Mori Girl Tribe to act in a play for himself...
right!That's right!The truth of the matter must be like this!It must be so!
That Wang Fu, in order to save his own life, what can't he do? !
Sheng Zhiyue, you must calm down now!Calm down!You have to remember, you are the daughter of the Sheng family!She is the only daughter of Ouyang Fang and Sheng Quan!Your name is Sheng Zhiyue!Sheng Zhiyue!
Mom, Mom must still be here now, right!As long as she calls her mother, her mother will definitely come to see her immediately!
With that in mind, Sheng Zhiyue began to shout toward the door, "Mom! Mom!"


However, what responded to Sheng Zhiyue was a dead silence.

Sheng Zhiyue swallowed involuntarily, my mother must not have heard it!I am sitting on the bed now, the sound insulation here is so good!My mother must not have heard what she called my mother just now, yes, it must be like this!
Sheng Zhiyue thought stubbornly, but she seemed to have forgotten one thing. In the past, every time she called her mother's name, her mother would definitely arrive as soon as possible. ·····
Sheng Zhiyue got out of bed, walked slowly to the door, and called her mother's name again: "My mother! My mother!"


It must be that she didn't drink water!I just went out for a while and didn't drink water all the time. No, it's because she didn't have time to drink water all day today. Her throat is now dry and she can't make a sound. Mom must not have heard it now!
Sheng Zhiyue, you have to find water to drink quickly!Gotta drink some water!

Sheng Zhiyue thought about it, and hurried to the table to pour water...
(End of this chapter)

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