Chapter 834 I Don't Listen (04)

Sheng Zhiyue's movement of pouring water was trembling very much, the water didn't flow back smoothly, and the table was spilled...
As long as you drink water, moisten your throat, moisten your throat, and let your voice come out, your mother will definitely hear it!Yes, that's right, my mother will definitely come over!
Sheng Zhiyue drank the whole bottle of water in her hand, and then, feeling worried, quickly picked up the kettle and poured another glass of water...
This time, is it enough? !She has already drank so much!

Sheng Zhiyue seemed to muster up a lot of courage, and approached the door of her room step by step.

"Mom! Mom!"


However, what awaits Sheng Zhiyue is still a deathly silence...
This time, Sheng Zhiyue opened her room almost without thinking: "My mother! My mother! My mother!"

There was only a burst of "papapapa——" the sound of shoes rubbing against the floor hurriedly came towards Sheng Zhiyue's direction, Sheng Zhiyue's eyes just flashed a hint of surprise, but when she saw the person coming, her expression immediately changed ······

"Sheng, Miss Sheng, do you have any orders? If you want to find my mother, she went out very early today and hasn't come back yet..."

Sheng Zhiyue watched the female servant in front of her say these words in front of her, and immediately pushed her down. The female servant was unprepared, and was pushed to the ground by Sheng Zhiyue. On the forehead, a red mark immediately appeared...
Sheng Zhiyue yelled hysterically at the servant who fell on the ground: "Get out!"

This "Get out—" Sheng Zhiyue yelled extremely loudly, and at the same time yelled very hard, so hard that Sheng Zhiyue's tears fell in an instant...
It's a pity that the servant didn't notice all of this, she was so frightened by Sheng Zhiyue's "Get out -" that she immediately covered her wound and ran away.

Sheng Zhiyue returned to her room in a daze.

How could this could this be...

Could it be that what Wang Fu said is true? !

Isn't she the daughter of Ouyang Fang and Sheng Quan?Not Sheng Zhiyue!Is it—"Lu, Yao, Guang,"? !

Is it the "little slut", "little bastard" that she cursed at every day in her dreams, wishing to strangle her to death? !

And all of what she is enjoying now, including the bed she is sitting on, the things in her room, her clothes and everything, originally belonged to that Lu Yaoguang? !
No, no, this is too unbelievable and ridiculous!
"None of this is true! None of this is true! None of this is true..." Sheng Zhiyue, don't think about it!Don't think about it!You are the real Sheng Zhiyue!You are the real Sheng Zhiyue, okay? !
You have no problem, you have no problem!You are Sheng Zhiyue, the daughter of Sheng Quan and Ouyang Fang!
But why, my mother's attitude towards herself has really changed so much? !

Yes, is it because she didn't listen to the doctor to fix her own face later? !
Is it because she has a bad temper these days? !So my mother got angry with her and ignored her? !

But, even so, Mom, how could you go to Lu Yaoguang's place? !

(End of this chapter)

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