Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 835 It's All Lu Yaoguang's

Chapter 835 It's All Lu Yaoguang's
How could my mother be so close to that little bastard Lu Yaoguang? !No, it can't be done, it can't be done... Mom, you know it's not allowed.

I am the eldest lady of the Sheng family!What is that Lu Yaoguang? !It's just a bastard of a planner girl. Mom, you have been with us for so long anyway, and your identity is different from hers. How can you chat and laugh with her? !

The more Sheng Zhiyue thought about it, the more frightened she felt. Her lips trembled, her eyes trembled slightly, and tears fell. In fact, she knew it in her heart, she knew it, the change of her mother's attitude towards her in the past few days, and the change of her mother's attitude towards her in the Central Mall just now. Everything I saw there, if my mother didn't know something, how could my mother treat me like this? !
As for what my mother knows...

Sheng Zhiyue covered her mouth, not letting herself make any sound, and began to sob and cry bitterly.

How could this be? !How can this be? !
The person she has always hated, the bitch, the bastard she has been scolding, is actually her mother's real daughter? !

What about her?What is she? !
She is actually the daughter of the family planning girl, right? !

Sheng Zhiyue recalled in her mind that that woman back then, no matter what she did to Lu Yaoguang, her attitude was to hit Lu Yaoguang without any explanation, and then came to her and asked her if she had any questions. Sample······

At that time, she still thought that woman was crazy. Why was she not angry at all when she bullied her daughter so much? !Instead, he punished Lu Yaoguang to please himself.

And that woman always stares at me from time to time...

People say that a mother's gaze will always involuntarily stay on her child.

Yeah, that woman keeps staring at her daughter, keeps staring at her daughter...  

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Isn't she the daughter of the Sheng family?She is not the daughter of the Sheng family...
How does this make her believe? !How does this make her accept? !Her identity is opposite to that of Lu Yaoguang? !Is Lu Yaoguang the real eldest lady of the Sheng family? !How does this make her accept? !

Everything she enjoys now actually belongs to Lu Yaoguang? !

"Beep—beep—" Just as Sheng Zhiyue was sad, her cell phone rang.Sheng Zhiyue took out her phone, it was a text message——

"My mother once went to the hospital to do the DNA of Ouyang Fang and Lu Yaoguang. The report is now in her hands. If you want to ask me for help, come to XXX."

After reading this message, Sheng Zhiyue was about to press the delete button almost without thinking, but the moment she did it, she hesitated.

She was in a mess now, but Wang Fu was the only one who not only knew about it but also told him about it.Although she didn't know what Wang Fu's real purpose was, but now, the only person she could think of who could help her was Wang Fu.

Night fell in a hurry, and my mother had just returned.She seemed to be in a good mood and came back with a smile on her face.

"Mom..." Sheng Zhiyue stood at the stairs, she was about to go out.

"Zhiyue, it's so late, are you still planning to go out?" Seeing Sheng Zhiyue appearing, my mother felt complicated...

(End of this chapter)

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