Chapter 843 Shy?
Gu Zhiyang grinned and laughed. "Yes, yes, I have been following you, and I have been following you all my life."

When Lu Yaoguang heard Gu Zhiyang say this, his face blushed, and he hurriedly shook off his hand, "Shameless, I want you to follow me forever?!"

Gu Zhiyang smiled even brighter, and kept moving his body towards Lu Yaoguang, "Isn't it you?!"

"no no!"

"Hehe, still running! See how I deal with you when I catch you!"

In Gu's group.

Song Yun stood in the office and looked out the window. This was the best location in the whole city, and the Gu Corporation was very tall. Standing here, every time she looked out the window, she felt like overlooking the whole world.

"Huh~" A smoke ring spewed out from Song Yun's mouth, but when she was about to smoke again, the cigarette had already been taken away from her mouth——

Song Yun looked at the people beside her, "Gu Xifeng, what are you doing here? I've dismissed everyone. If you come here now, I won't pay you. It doesn't make any sense anymore."

Gu Xifeng cut off Song Yun's cigarette, but he didn't reply when he heard Song Yun's words. Instead, he took off his coat and put it on Song Yun's body, "It's windy, and I still wear so little."

Song Yun pushed it away reflexively, and Gu Xifeng's coat almost slipped off. The two of them looked at the slipped coat, feeling awkward for a while...

"Sorry." Song Yun picked up Gu Xifeng's coat and handed it to Gu Xifeng, "Thank you, I'm not cold."

Gu Xifeng didn't take the clothes that Song Yun handed over to him. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Song Yun's face with deep inquiry, "Aren't you shy because of what happened last time?"

When Song Yun heard this, she smiled slightly, "Who are you talking about being shy? That kind of thing..."

The temperature in Gu Xifeng's eyes dropped instead, and his tone became cold, "Yes, that kind of thing. When I first arrived, you still called the name of the previous legal adviser, Wang Yiyong, right?"

Song Yun didn't answer, it's a fact, she was in a daze at the time, she just called out the name subconsciously, besides, it was indeed Xiao Wang who saved her back then.

"After all, Xiao Wang has saved me many times, and I have some habits. If you feel angry because of this, then I apologize to you. I will treat you to another meal and thank you well tonight." Song Yun said, never He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket again, and lit it like no one else was there.

Gu Xifeng smoked Song Yun's cigarette again, this time, he didn't even confiscate the lighter, "If you didn't feel shy because of the kiss in the hotel that night, then why did you suddenly want to stop what you're doing now? everything?"

Song Yun's face turned red quickly because of Gu Xifeng's words, she turned her head and did not speak.

Last time when he carried her out of the bathroom and carried her back to the bed to rest, he accidentally carried them onto the bed at the same time, and by coincidence, they kissed together again...

"It's just a kiss. Don't forget, I'm already the mother of a child." When Song Yun spoke again, the blush on her face was gone. She was already past that age. "I just don't want to be so tired anymore. Gu's Group will go bankrupt. In fact, I originally had some ideas. Maybe through my own efforts, it can still have a chance of survival."

(End of this chapter)

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