Chapter 844 So sorry

"However, after going through that kind of thing, I suddenly realized that the Gu's Group is going to die. It cannot be saved by me alone. So I want to stop and rest..." Song Yun wanted to take her own cigarettes from Gu Xifeng, but Gu Xifeng put the cigarettes in his inner pocket, buttoned them up, and looked at Song Yun with an expression of "Come and get it if you can".

Song Yun had no choice but to withdraw her hand.

"But, if you really wanted to rest, you wouldn't be here today, would you?" After Gu Xifeng finished speaking, Song Yun was already packing her bag.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just came here to get something. If there is nothing else, I plan to go back first. What about you? What are you doing here?" Just as Song Yun finished speaking, a look of annoyance flashed across her face. Seriously, why did she Will ask such a question?If Gu Xifeng said that he came for her, what would she say? !
After getting along these days, she, she can feel that Gu Xifeng treats her...
Everyone is getting old, if you can't even feel such an obvious show of favor, then it's really a waste of time.

"It's nothing, I'm just here to take a look." After Gu Xifeng finished speaking, he also stood up straight, "I'm also planning to leave now."

After hearing this, Song Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't say the embarrassing words as he thought.

"If you plan to leave, then I'll see you off. I don't worry if you leave alone."

Song Yun: "..."

"Okay, then I'll take your car. Thank you." Anyway, she didn't come by bike today, so she happened to take a ride.

When Gu Xifeng heard Song Yun's answer, he raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and when he passed by Song Yun's side, he quickly pressed a kiss on Song Yun's face, and when Song Yun reacted angrily, Gu Xifeng had already walked in front of Song Yun, "I'll wait for you in the parking lot, it doesn't matter if you walk slowly."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xifeng's figure had disappeared from Song Yun's sight.

Song Yun touched her kissed face, stood there for a while, and then slowly left.

"Dirty, dirty to death."

"Disgusting, so disgusting..."

Sheng Zhiyue sat in the bathtub, desperately rubbing the red marks on her body, it was so dirty, it was so dirty, it had to be cleaned, it had to be cleaned!

There were still things left by that beast Wang Fu in the lower body, and Sheng Zhiyue kept retching while cleaning it up.Tears keep falling...

She was actually given by that bastard Wang Fu...!

Ohh Ohh ohh······
Sheng Zhiyue doesn't want to recall what happened last night at all, but now, her mind is always filled with everything that happened yesterday, including knowing her own life experience, including being so stupid to run to find Wang Fu, including those underworld... People said, including being raped by Wang Fu... including her rushing home in the middle of the night, and rushing in to soak as soon as she got home. She has been soaking for a long time, but those nauseating feelings still haven't disappeared.

What should she do?What should she do? !

Is it like this, allowing that bastard to take his first time? !

She's so dirty, so dirty, she doesn't want to live anymore... I regret going to Wang Fu yesterday!So sorry, so sorry...
(End of this chapter)

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