Chapter 880 Suspicion (01)


There wasn't any sound, only Wang Fu's voice, which had been incessantly chanting, disappeared, and the blood that kept spreading from his chest...
Wearing high heels, Sheng Zhiyue walked up to Wang Fu, raised her foot, and slammed down on Wang Fuguang's naked lower body...
How dare you lie to me? How dare you lie to me? !
Hehe, if you dare to lie to me, you will have to pay the price!

Go and be with my mother!
In this way, no one can threaten me anymore!No one can threaten me anymore!No one can threaten me anymore!

The heels of Sheng Zhiyue's high-heeled shoes kept turning in circles, and she herself laughed slowly——

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha...!"


In that small and messy room, Sheng Zhiyue's smile looked very strange and terrifying...

"Yue'er, what's the matter? Why don't you come to have breakfast?!"

The next day, Ouyang Fang was outside Sheng Zhiyue's door, knocking on Sheng Zhiyue's door, what time is it, why hasn't Yue'er woke up for breakfast? !

"What's the matter, this child?" Ouyang Fang called Sheng Zhiyue for a long time, but Sheng Zhiyue didn't come to open the door, no matter how she called her, Sheng Zhiyue didn't answer, which made Ouyang Fang very worried.

The door of Sheng Zhiyue's room couldn't be opened either, Ouyang Fang felt anxious, maybe, something happened? !
Ouyang Fang thought about it, and quickly shouted, "Mom! Mom, come quickly! Bring the key to Yueer's room! That child, Yueer, doesn't know what's going on..."

"My mother! My mother!" Ouyang Fang shouted anxiously, but then, she remembered that her mother had disappeared for many days...
Ouyang Fang held her forehead, her head hurts...
"Madam, madam! The key you are looking for!" At this moment, a servant hurriedly handed over the key, and Ouyang Fang took it quickly, and opened Sheng Zhiyue's room.

"Yue'er..." Ouyang Fang rushed into Sheng Zhiyue's room, but found that Sheng Zhiyue was nowhere to be seen, Ouyang Fang panicked and looked into the bathroom again.

Seeing this, Ouyang Fang was almost frightened, only to see Sheng Zhiyue fainted in the bathroom, her face pale.

"Come here! Come!"

In the hospital, Ouyang Fang walked up and down the corridor restlessly...
It's the hospital again!It's the hospital again!She really hates the smell of the hospital!
Oh my God, please bless me, please let Yueer be well!
Ouyang Fang was so anxious that she almost cried, Yue'er, why does she always suffer so much?Since coming to China, how many injuries has this child suffered!
"Ma'am, don't be too anxious. Miss, she will be fine..." The servant who handed Ouyang Fang the key just now hesitated for a moment, then decided to step forward to comfort Ouyang Fang.

Ouyang Fang raised her head and looked at the teenager who looked like she was in front of her. After watching for a while, Ouyang Fang nodded slowly, "Thank you..."

The servant who was stared at by Ouyang Fang was so frightened that her face turned pale. She felt that she seemed to have done something superfluous, but she didn't expect that Madam, she didn't blame her for being troublesome, and thanked her ? !

Ma'am is so nice...

(End of this chapter)

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