Chapter 881 Suspicion (02)

"Miss will be fine." The servant repeated again, Ouyang Fang then carefully looked at the little girl who was talking to her, and then realized that the little girl had some hair covering her forehead.

Ouyang Fang stretched out her hand, stroked the hair on the little girl's forehead, and exclaimed, "Your face..."

The little girl did not expect that Ouyang Fang would suddenly brush up her hair covering the wound, and hurriedly stepped back to keep herself away from Ouyang Fang.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, didn't I scare you? I'll leave now, I'll leave now..." The little girl covered her face, planning to leave.

"Wait," Ouyang Fang stopped the little girl and walked up to her. The little girl covered her face with her hands while avoiding Ouyang Fang's eyes timidly.

"Your face, I think this injury was done not long ago, right? Did you do it yourself? Or did someone else do it to you?" In order to confirm her guess, Ouyang Fang stroked the little girl's hair again, carefully Looking at the scars on it.

The injury is like this, it doesn't look like I accidentally got it...

"It's Sheng..." The little girl subconsciously wanted to tell the person who made herself like this, but she immediately covered her mouth and changed her mouth, "Yes, I accidentally got it myself, I accidentally got it myself..."

Ouyang Fang immediately saw that the little girl was lying, "Don't be afraid, tell me your name, and I will help you decide."

"No, no, this matter, ma'am, don't press me..." The little girl covered her face, trembling.

"Who is it that made you so scared? Since you are working here, there is no reason for you to be bullied here. Tell me, and I will help you decide." Ouyang Fang saw that the little girl was so frightened, Can't help but sigh in my heart, how cruel is it to scare this little girl like this? !

"No, I can't say it, please Ma'am, don't force me anymore, don't force me to say it..." the little girl said, shrinking herself into a ball.

"Ma'am, don't force her, yes, yes..." The bodyguard at the side couldn't stand it anymore, struggling to say the name.

"Brother Cheng, you, you can't say it! You can't say it!" When the little girl heard that the bodyguard was about to say the name of that person, she hurriedly exclaimed, ran to the bodyguard, and shook her head vigorously at him.

"You, come here. Find a doctor to treat you!" Ouyang Fang ordered the little girl, "If you don't heal your injury, I don't need you anymore. You can do it yourself."

The little girl was "threatened" by Ouyang Fang, so she had no choice but to leave and go to the doctor.After the little girl left, Ouyang Fang walked up to the bodyguards, "I think you should know who made her like this, so tell me."

"Madam, you, will you really decide for us?" The bodyguard gritted his teeth, and he was also betting on whether the lady would be angry after he said the name.

"You guys? Could it be that even you..." Ouyang Fang couldn't believe it, but the bodyguard in front of her also...
Many of the people around her are from Sheng Quan's place, and she should not know about this.There are better people to protect Yue'er, this point, she will not refuse.

 Please remember this little girl~
(End of this chapter)

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