Chapter 884 My Life
"Mom. Song Yun is my mother. From now on, I won't mess around like before." Gu Zhiyang looked directly at Gu Qingyu's threatening gaze. Gu Qingyu stretched out his hand, slapped him, and shook Xiang Gu Zhiyang's face.

"You have the guts, repeat what you said just now! Believe it or not, I'll kill you with one shot now!" Gu Qingyu said, and immediately took out his gun and pointed it at Gu Zhiyang's head.

"Young master, please give in! Young master, you know your father's temper, why don't you apologize to him quickly?!" The man beside him was so frightened by the sudden tense atmosphere that his face changed, and he quickly persuaded Gu Zhi Yang, let Gu Zhiyang quickly admit his mistake.

"I'm telling the truth. Dad, if you want to listen to me again, then I will say it again. She is my mother, and I will not mess around like I used to. I will serve her well and be with her ······" Gu Zhiyang didn't speak, Gu Qingyu raised the muzzle of the gun, and slammed Gu Zhiyang hard, hitting Gu Zhiyang on the ground with just one blow, Gu Zhiyang stretched out his hand, I touched my forehead, and there was already blood...
"Do you really think that I dare not kill you? Gu Zhiyang, where is your conscience? Have you forgotten everything she did to me?! Have you forgotten how she betrayed me and made our father and son more than ten years old? Can't we meet each other again?!" Gu Qingyu yelled at Gu Zhiyang, Zhiyang, how dare you say such a thing? !This is clearly to piss him off! .

Gu Zhiyang stood up slowly, looked at Gu Qingyu, "My conscience? From the moment I disrespected my mother, my conscience was lost...but now, I have found my own for me Feel happy with a little conscience.”

"Gu Zhiyang! You, you..."

"Father, what is the truth about what happened between you and your mother back then, did your mother hurt you, did she betray you? Can you guarantee that you didn't lie to me?!" Gu Zhiyang questioned Gu Qing Yu, what was the truth back then? Relying on the strength of his brothers, he could only find a few clues, but those, to him, were no longer important.It's a tug between mom and dad,
He asked his mother, did he say that the matter is over and if he doesn't want to pursue it, then he won't pursue it.

What he found is enough to prove that Song Yun, as a mother, has done everything for her, Gu Zhiyang...
"And Dad, you said one thing wrong. It's not you who made us father and son unable to see each other for more than ten years? You wore a mask in front of me for more than ten years and never told me that you were still alive , you are my father, watching me live in the pain of losing you day by day... Dad, I have always wanted to ask you a question, do you really love my son?" Gu Zhi Yang's eyes were flushed, but he still suppressed the sourness in his eyes, and did not let the tears flow from his eyes.

"You gave me the status of the king of the 'E League', so that I can better pull Mom from the Gu Group and make Mom suffer. But now, I can't do it, so the 'E League' I don't want the king's position. This is the last time I come here to see you, if you want to attack me, then please do it, I don't care anymore."

"My life, living like this, I misunderstood and hurt what I paid for me. The one I love, deceived me, used me, and watched me suffer because of him for more than ten years. It's really sad. ···hehe······"

(End of this chapter)

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