Chapter 885

"Master, you, you, don't be impulsive..." The man on the side saw Gu Zhiyang say such rebellious words, then looked at Gu Qingyu's expression, and found that Gu Qingyu's face was too dark Hei, the veins in the fingers holding the gun are bulging, it can be seen how angry Gu Qingyu is with Gu Zhiyang...

According to Gu Qingyu's temper, if it weren't for the fact that Gu Zhiyang was his own son, he would have killed the person in front of him with one shot.

"Father, I came here today just to talk about this matter. Now that the matter is over, I'm leaving." Gu Zhiyang said, bowing deeply to Gu Qingyu, "Thank you teacher .”

Gu Zhiyang left, but Gu Qingyu did not stop him.However, at the moment Gu Zhiyang left the room, there were two gunshots and the sound of glass shattering.

Gu Qingyu looked at the mask, mobile phone, and other items that had been smashed by himself, and was so angry that he fired again at the things that had been torn apart on the ground until the gun ran out of bullets.

The mask represents the identity of the "King" of the E-League. "E-League" is the only force in the world today that can resist the powerful "underground city".

This force, Gu Qingyu has been secretly expanding it slowly, expanding the power of the "E League" to match it without the "Underground City" being aware of it. What a lot of energy!

"E League" is the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world.

Of course, this is just the news that the outside world only knows about the "E-League". In fact, the power of the E-League has infiltrated it no matter if it is industry, commerce, military, agriculture...every field.

For such an "E League", the outside world only knows that the top leader of the E League is the "king", their "king"!
What he gave to Zhiyang was the best from the very beginning!

But now, he actually wants to leave his side and abandon the best things he gave him? !

Song Yun, Song Yun, you are really capable.It's just letting you and Zhiyang stay for a few days, and it actually washed away the relationship between our father and son for more than ten years!
If Sheng Quan hadn't known about their power and concentrated all his strength to deal with him, he would have made Song Yun pay the price for what happened back then!

Everything that happened now, except for the episode of Zhiyang, was within his expectations.As early as the moment he planned to reveal his identity, he had already thought about every step he would take next.

But who knew that such a mistake would happen!

Zhiyang, oh really make Dad very sad...
Gu Zhiyang walked out of "Nian Yi", raised his head, and looked at the sky.

Suddenly, I felt that all the burdens on my body were lifted.

I really want to go home...

In this "home" now, there is his mother, Uncle Shen, Yao Guang... and the person he loves the most in his life.

Fortunately, the warmth of home is still there.

Gu Zhiyang took out a box from his pocket, opened it, and on it were two necklaces...
When he came this time, he planned to return the things he bought at the auction to his father. Fortunately, he didn't return the things to him.

Otherwise, it would have been ruined by now.

Yaoguang, I don't know if you would like to wear this necklace...

Gu Zhiyang closed the box, with a smile on his lips, and walked towards home...
(End of this chapter)

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