Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 886 The Flower Language of the Stars

Chapter 886 The Flower Language of the Stars (01)

in the hospital.

Sheng Zhiyue opened her eyes, there was only one servant staying in the ward, Sheng Zhiyue asked the servant where Ouyang Fang had gone.

"Miss, madam, she went back to bring you daily necessities and cook soup for you. The doctor said that you are in a coma caused by malnutrition and need to be hospitalized."

"That's it." Sheng Zhiyue held her forehead and waved to the servants, "Go down first, I want to be alone for a while."

"Yes, ma'am."

After the next person walks out of the ward.

Sheng Zhiyue immediately looked for her mobile phone, and when she saw the mobile phone was put aside, she immediately took the mobile phone, her hands and feet were so agile that she didn't look like a person who just woke up from a coma? !
Sheng Zhiyue was looking for a person's phone number in the communication, and immediately sent a text message to that person:
I was hospitalized.In XX hospital, I hope you can come to see me today.

After sending the text message, Sheng Zhiyue immediately deleted the text message. Mom has gone back now. If she brought clothes for herself, she probably wouldn't find the gun. She hid it so carefully that she wouldn't be found...

Sheng Zhiyue looked at her hands, she killed someone, and killed another person.

First it was Mama, and then Wang Fu.

Mom's death, she didn't do it on purpose.It was her mother who forced her, and she had no choice.

As for Wang Fu...that bastard, he deserved what he deserved!
Did she think that after she was taken away by him forcibly for the first time, would she be unprepared and go to that house to look for him again? !

After each time, she will carefully check Wang Fu's cell phone, clothes, pants... After being touched by that kind of beast, she is always worried that she will be left as a handle again and used as Wang Fu to threaten again in the future her tools!

But she didn't expect that the thing Wang Fu used to threaten her in the first place was a fake!
He was a doctor in that hospital, and it was easy to see the DNA test report. Maybe the story he told was true. Back then, he did witness the woman switch her and Lu Yaoguang's identities. how?Without evidence, there is nothing she can do after all...

Blame myself for being careless for a while, I was too shocked when I learned the news, so I showed my flaws, allowing Wang Fu to take advantage of it!
God knows how much she wanted to kill that bastard Wang Fu!

Well now, she did manage to do it!I'm afraid Wang Fu won't know about the silencer gun until he dies. With her status, what's the problem if she wants to get a few bullets? !

However, what Wang Fu and his mother said is correct...
As long as Lu Yaoguang is in this world for one day, she will never be able to become the real Sheng Zhiyue!
Since she has already killed the two people who threatened her, what does it matter if she kills another Lu Yaoguang now? !
In this world, everyone who hinders her will die!All must die!to die!to die!to die!
Sheng Zhiyue's eyes showed a frantic look, as if they were about to tear everything apart, but soon, Sheng Zhiyue regained his composure, pulled up his sleeves, and looked at the back of his hand There, there is a pinhole stuck...
That's what she found at Wang Fu's house. She killed Wang Fu at the time, and relieved her hatred. But she was alone, and she still felt a little uneasy. In addition, Mom has been investigating her mother's affairs recently... ···
(End of this chapter)

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