Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 887 The Flower Language of the Stars

Chapter 887 The Flower Language of the Stars (02)

Therefore, she must have one that can delay her mother, so that her mother will no longer go looking for her mother.

And the key person in this "thing" is herself!

Sheng, Zhi, Yue.Mom loves her the most. As long as something happens to her, Mom will definitely put down everything at hand and take care of herself wholeheartedly!

As for the stuff in Wang Fu's house, it is indeed a good thing. She learned it when she was abroad. This drug is a banned drug. If you give it a shot, there is a 30.00% chance of death.

But she kept fighting, she won the bet!
At the moment of the injection, she told herself that she had killed two people, and if the injection continued, she would unfortunately be one of the 30.00% deaths, so so be it, she killed two people, then The right is to pay for their lives...

In this way, Mom will remember her forever.

But, if she wins the bet, then she will do everything to keep what she has now!
If she wins and she survives successfully, then the person who died must be Lu Yaoguang!
She woke up, she didn't die, she is still alive and well, mother will take care of her sick self wholeheartedly, and will not care where her mother went, her mother's focus will be on her!
As long as she kills Lu Yaoguang at this time, then everything will return to the original point, back to the original point...
"Ding ding—— ding ding—" Bai Lu, who was dancing in the dance room, stopped when she heard the sound of a text message on her mobile phone. She picked up a towel beside her and wiped her sweat. Sheng Zhiyue who hasn't come to school for a long time.

At this time, Sheng Zhiyue sent it to herself, is there anything she wants to find herself? !

Bai Lu turned on the phone suspiciously, and saw a text message saying that Sheng Zhiyue was sick, and she wanted to see her by herself...

To go, or not to go? !

For Sheng Zhiyue, Bailu is quite contradictory. As a competitor, Sheng Zhiyue is undoubtedly a very good opponent!

But as a friend...

Bai Lu remembered what Yunyi told her about Sheng Zhiyue and Lu Yaoguang in her spare time...

Although I don't know if Yunyi contained some special emotions of her own when she said those words, but Yunyi will not lie to herself with these things.

She also felt very unbelievable about what Sheng Zhiyue did, but after all, she heard it from other people's mouths, and it was "different" from the people she came into contact with.

Everyone has a different ability to accept people, things, and things. They think that Sheng Zhiyue is not good, but through her own contact, she feels that Sheng Zhiyue is not bad, doesn't she?

Since Sheng Zhiyue sent this message specially, it would be better for her to visit her in the hospital.

Bai Lu thought, pack up the things in the dance room, put on a set of clean clothes, and go out——

Just arrived at Yunyi on the road opposite Bailu's villa, and saw Bailu's door...

It's this time, Xiaobai is always at home, isn't he?How did you go out today?
Yunyi took out her phone and sent Bai Lu a text message: "Xiao Bai, what are you doing now?"

When Bai Lu received the text message, she subconsciously wanted to reply to Yunyi, but...

(End of this chapter)

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