Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 888 The Flower Language of the Stars

Chapter 888 The Flower Language of the Stars (03)

Yunyi has always opposed her contacting Sheng Zhiyue, if she told Yunyi that she was going to the hospital to find Sheng Zhiyue, he would definitely do everything possible to stop her from going!
It's better not to tell Yunyi that she is going to find Sheng Zhiyue.

Bai Lu thought, and after replying a text message to Yunyi that she was dancing, she then asked the driver to take her out.

Yunyi looked at the content of the text message in her hand, and then at the driving car Bai Lu was riding in at the moment, narrowing her eyes slightly...
Xiaobai, unexpectedly, lied to him? !

Yunyi pulled on the handbrake, threw the phone into the car seat, and followed Bai Lu's car...

The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

Holding a bouquet of flowers, Bai Lu walked towards the hospital.

Yunyi parked the car on the road opposite the hospital, slid down the car window, looked at Bai Lu's receding back, with a very puzzled expression, and asked, "What is Xiao Bai doing here?" !Moreover, there is a bouquet of flowers in my hand...
Are you here to meet someone? !

Holding flowers, Bai Lu picked up her mobile phone and called Sheng Zhiyue. Sheng Zhiyue told Bai Lu her ward, and Bai Lu successfully found Sheng Zhiyue's ward.

Open the door of the ward.

Sheng Zhiyue looked at the person coming, "Lulu, long time no see~"

Lulu? !When did Sheng Zhiyue call her that? !

"Zhiyue, how is your body? Your injury is still there..." Bai Lu said, when she saw the scar on Sheng Zhiyue's face, she choked in her throat, "You, you s face······"

Sheng Zhiyue caressed her cheek, "It's ugly, isn't it? The glass was pierced the deepest here at the beginning, and it can't be recovered. I know, I must be ugly when I am like this now... I'm sorry Lulu, am I , Scared you? I'll find a mask and put it on!" Sheng Zhiyue said, leaning towards the table beside her, but then, Sheng Zhiyue coughed, and Bai Lu hurried forward, Help Sheng Zhiyue well——

"You're coughing like this, what mask are you looking for?! Lie down quickly and have a good rest!" Bai Lu helped Sheng Zhiyue, "I'm not scared by you, I'm just... just a little stunned. Zhizhi Yue, it's me who should say I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know your face hurts, right?" Bai Lu stretched out her hand and stroked the wound on Sheng Zhiyue's face.

This "pain", besides the pain on the face, is more likely to come from the pain in the heart...

Sheng Zhiyue, she was disfigured...

This news shocked Bai Lu very much.

"Did you get your face because of the dispute with Lu Yaoguang?" Bai Lu asked, and Sheng Zhiyue's tears fell immediately, "I, I didn't give up at noon that day, I wanted to have a good talk with her For a moment, I want to compete fairly with her, I have liked Zhiyang for so long, and I am engaged to Zhiyang, but Zhiyang, Zhiyang doesn't like me..."

"But Lulu, how could I let go of a relationship that lasted more than ten years?! How could I let go?!"

"I went to her, and I wanted to tell her, give me another chance to compete fairly."

"But who knew, who knew, Lu Yaoguang actually satirized me! Lulu, did you know that she actually satirized me..."

(End of this chapter)

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