Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 889 The Flower Language of the Stars

Chapter 889 The Flower Language of the Stars (04)

"She satirized me, saying that I can't even get someone I like, and she also mocked me for the fact that she won No.1 in the second round of the talent competition last time..." Sheng Zhiyue said , tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, his whole body trembled slightly, with a slight nasal voice, "I... I have never been said that before."

"So I... I started fighting with her. But Lulu, you believe me, I definitely did this because I was out of breath, otherwise, I would never be like this in normal times!" Sheng Zhi Yue grabbed Bai Lu's hand, "Lu Lu, do you believe me?"

"I... I," Bai Lu hesitated, Sheng Zhiyue suddenly asked herself if she believed her, she heard Sheng Zhiyue say this, but she heard Yunyi say something else. ·····
"Zhiyue, I, I don't know."

Bai Lu has never been able to unilaterally promise to others, believe it or not.Things that she has not personally experienced, or heard from others, she has not personally experienced at the scene, if she is only asked to unilaterally listen to someone and let her make a judgment on a certain matter, Bai Lu thinks that she can't do it.

"This matter is being circulated in the school. The version I heard is different from the version you said. I can't choose to completely believe what you said just based on what you said alone, just like I was in school before. What I heard was the same, and I also did not believe it... Zhiyue, I'm sorry." Bai Lu's eyes were clear, she didn't tell Sheng Zhiyue who told her the news, she just said that the school It's just passed on.

The "sorry" was to apologize to Sheng Zhiyue, she had no way of revealing that it was Yunyi who told her about it.

She lied to Zhiyue.

But those other words are the principles she has always believed in and implemented.Even if these words will hurt Sheng Zhiyue, this is the principle of her life.She will not change.

Sheng Zhiyue held Bai Lu's hand and froze. She didn't expect that Bai Lu would be like this, and she would say such things to herself without giving herself any face.

Bai Lu didn't believe what she said?
Then what was the effort I made just now!

The anger in Sheng Zhiyue's heart gradually burned, but on the surface, she still had to hold on to her smile, and took out the facial tissue on the table beside her. Sheng Zhiyue slowly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and turned to see the probing hand brought by Bai Lu. sick flower—

"Bai Lu, are these the flowers you bought for me?"

Bai Lu handed the flowers to Sheng Zhiyue, "I don't know what flowers you like specifically, so I just bought some random ones, I hope you like them..."

Sheng Zhiyue approached the flowers that Bailu bought, smelled them, and a sweet fragrance came to her nostrils. Sheng Zhiyue smiled slightly, "Thank you Bailu, I like the flowers you brought me very much."

Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Sheng Zhiyue say she likes it. To be honest, after she said what she was thinking just now, seeing Sheng Zhiyue's expression, she seemed not very happy. She was still thinking about it. Thinking about how to relieve the awkward atmosphere between the two of them, Sheng Zhiyue didn't expect that she didn't take it to heart, so, very good...

Sheng Zhiyue stretched out a hand, stroked a flower in the packaged bouquet, stared at the flower, seemed to really like flowers, and was intoxicated by it...
(End of this chapter)

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