Chapter 893

"What is it?! Enough, Yunyi, I don't want to hear any more! Everything you said is based on the relationship between Sheng Zhiyue and Lu Yaoguang, isn't it?!"

"You haven't personally experienced these things at all, why should you just look at the superficial phenomena!" Bai Lu gasped, this was the first time she and Yun Yi yelled so loudly, but she couldn't help it, she couldn't help it... ···

【Lulu, how can you like this kind of flower? 】

[The flower language of the stars is willing to be a supporting role. Are you willing to be a supporting role? 】

How could it be reconciled...
Because, I have also liked you for many years, and I, too, long to be happy with you...

"Yunyi, I want to get out of the car." Bai Lu knew that if she stayed in the car with Yunyi any longer, the two of them would definitely quarrel.

"Just look at the superficial phenomenon? Bai Lu, why do you think I only look at the superficial phenomenon?!" Yun Yi grabbed Bai Lu's hand, but Bai Lu's tears fell in an instant...
Bailu, Bailu...

Yunyi, you already stopped calling me "Xiaobai".

Seeing Bai Lu's tears, Yunyi seemed dumbfounded, then let go of Bai Lu's hand and checked in a panic, "I'm sorry Xiaobai, did I grab it too hard? Tell me, where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? ..."

"It's okay, I want to get out of the car."

"Xiaobai, I'm sorry, I..."

"I want to get out of the car!!!" Bai Lu looked out the window, "Please, let me get out of the car..." She couldn't stay in this "closed" space any longer.

In the confined space with only her and Yunyi, even breathing is so difficult...
In the end, Yunyi chose to compromise and let Bai Lu get out of the car.

Ouyang Fang packed some necessary clothes for Sheng Zhiyue in Sheng Zhiyue's room.

The words I heard in the hospital just now and the "facts" I saw kept appearing in my mind.

Those two people have no reason to lie to themselves, but Yueer, when did Yueer become so tricky...
No, there must be some misunderstanding!
To find out this misunderstanding, there is also the matter of my mother. I haven't contacted my mother for so many days. She is so worried about her...

Sitting on Sheng Zhiyue's bed, Ouyang Fang felt that there were a lot of annoying things. What happened to her in the United States, Xiaoyun's company changed hands, her mother disappeared, Yueer's face, Yueer was hospitalized...all the things They are all lingering around her, and there is nothing that pleases her!

Let's wait until Yue'er is discharged from the hospital, and then sort things out one by one.There is nothing more important than Yue'er's affairs.

Of course, my mother will continue to send people to look for it, but she still can't put all her energy on it.


Five days later.

In the past five days, Ouyang Fang has been accompanying Sheng Zhiyue in the hospital, except for occasionally going home to help Sheng Zhiyue bring blood, daily necessities and her own office stuff, she has never been anywhere.

But what made Ouyang Fang feel strange was that the doctor who treated Yue'er's face, where did that doctor go?It doesn't make sense that Yue'er has been in the hospital for so many days, why doesn't he take a look?Besides, the face still needs to be treated, how can you say that you can't come and stop coming?

(End of this chapter)

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