Chapter 894

"Yue'er, Mom wants to ask you something. Where is Dr. Wang Fuwang? Why has he been there these few days? Why haven't I seen him?" Ouyang Fang asked Sheng Zhiyue while peeling an apple.

Sheng Zhiyue was originally reading on the hospital bed, but when she heard Ouyang Fang ask this question, she froze in place, and then lied casually, "Doctor Wang is going home to see his wife and My child, I asked for leave before."

"What about your face? If he went back to his hometown, it shouldn't delay your face treatment. If so, Yueer, tell Mom that Mom will definitely sue him to jail!" Ouyang Fang couldn't help feeling a little Annoyed, how can you suddenly take so many days off during the treatment of Yue'er? !Is there any professional ethics left?
Sheng Zhiyue comforted Ouyang Fang, "Mom, why are you so angry? Dr. Wang has already arranged for me, oh my mother, you really are, look at you. I don't even care about your daughter. What do you care about?" Ah! it'll be all right anyway, and if not, so be it. I don't care."

Ouyang Fang had a sore nose, put down the half-peeled apple, and held Sheng Zhiyue's hand, "Yue'er, you are a child who loves beauty, and now you say something like this, you don't care about your appearance? Silly child, Which woman doesn't care about her appearance? You say that, and my mother feels uncomfortable... It's my mother's fault, and my mother didn't give you the best. It's been like this since I was a child..."

"Mom, what are you talking about! It's not your fault! Everything is that Lu Yaoguang's fault, what does it have to do with you, Mom?" Sheng Zhiyue hugged Ouyang Fang, "Mom, don't say that, If you say that, Yue'er will be very sad."

"Mom, don't worry, I will take what I lost. I will be happy, and I will give you happiness, so Mom, don't always say these things. If you say these words, you will be sad. It was me who was right..." Sheng Zhiyue patted Ouyang Fang on the shoulder and murmured, "It will be fine soon, I will take it back..."

"Yue'er, what did you say? Mom didn't hear the last sentence, you spoke too softly." Ouyang Fang asked, Sheng Zhiyue said no, didn't say anything.

"Yue'er, you..."

"By the way, Mom, I'm going to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow! But I don't have any more clothes to change tonight, Mom, can you go back and bring me another set?" Sheng Zhiyue looked at Ouyang with begging eyes Fang, Ouyang Fang patted Sheng Zhiyue's head, "Silly boy, this is just a trivial matter. Mom will go back and get it for you right away. You can rest here now."

"Well, thank you, Mom!" Sheng Zhiyue smiled sweetly, until after sending Ouyang Fang away, Sheng Zhiyue got out of bed quickly, took out another set of clothes from the closet beside her, went to the bathroom, and began to change clothes ······
Time is running out, Bai Lu told her that she has persuaded Lu Yaoguang to come out with her today, and she invited Lu Yaoguang to a place, this is the only and last chance!
After Sheng Zhiyue changed into a suit of clothes, she picked up her bag again.

Everything is ready.

As long as, as long as the biggest obstacle is solved, it will be fine!Just fix it.....
(End of this chapter)

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