Chapter 895

"Bai Lu, you have already agreed with her, is it today?" Lu Yaoguang followed Bai Lu, and Bai Lu nodded.

"I went to the hospital five days ago. After Sheng Zhiyue talked with me for a while, I felt something was wrong. She seemed to want to use me to do something against you. Simply, I guessed right. In the past few days, she has been urging me to find out your whereabouts, but fortunately, we have been planning...Are you really going to inform Gu Zhiyang and the others?" Bai Lu was talking to Lu Yaoguang While carefully watching the surroundings, she looked down at her mobile phone from time to time. She was waiting, waiting for Sheng Zhiyue's call.

Lu Yaoguang looked at Bai Lu's "busy" figure for her, and couldn't help being touched, "Bai Lu, thank you..."

Bai Lu turned her head and looked at Lu Yaoguang puzzled, "Why do you say thank you?"

Lu Yaoguang smiled, "Thank you for being willing to help me. Instead of helping Sheng Zhiyue deal with me, to be honest, I have been giving in and backing down since I was a child, but this time, I don't think I can back down anymore. I have found my own happiness. I think, make it clear to her and take this opportunity."

She has already made a decision to be with Zhiyang.After this matter is resolved, please convey this decision to him...
Lu Yaoguang imagined in his mind the expression that flashed across Gu Zhiyang's face when he heard the news.Is it happiness?Still unbelievable?Or touch her forehead unexpectedly and ask her if she has a fever?
Hehe... I'm so looking forward to it... Lu Yaoguang's happy smile was seen in Bai Lu's eyes, and a trace of envy flashed in Bai Lu's eyes.

"In this case, you have to promise me that no matter what, don't leave this place next time, you know? This is the place where I will ask her out for you. There are many people and intersections. If something goes wrong later, you You can adapt accordingly. I believe that she would not dare to do anything to you in public! I'll just watch you over there, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!" Bai Lu pressed Lu Yaoguang with one hand This is the person Yunyi likes, she must protect her and prevent her from any accidents!
"En!" Lu Yaoguang nodded, "Bai Lu, thank you, really thank you..."

Bai Lu shook her head, took out her mobile phone, and checked the time. It was not far from the agreed time... She had to find a place to hide it as soon as possible!
"I'm going. If something goes wrong in a while, remember to yell loudly!" Bai Lu told Lu Yaoguang repeatedly, and then ran to another direction.

That time in the hospital, Sheng Zhiyue let herself go to the hospital for no reason, and then she herself said those inexplicable words, all of which made her suspicious, and Sheng Zhiyue narrowed the object down to one person. It was - Lu Yaoguang.

Obviously, Sheng Zhiyue wanted to use herself to do something unfavorable to Lu Yaoguang.But Bai Lu wasn't sure about the specifics.

Another point, that is, Sheng Zhiyue is really good at acting.If it weren't for the fact that I was in the hospital when the accident happened in Xia Heyi, and I heard what Lu Yaoguang said, and the investigation by Ji Shaoyi and the others later, I would really be fooled!

(End of this chapter)

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